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About new2thisgame

  • Rank
    1st Gear

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    355i E90 2006

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  1. yes tried clearing with mhd, I will drop battery off to a charging store. then try and start car when fully charged.
  2. Hi team, my battery went dead, and since charging i have the red steering lock sign. key will not remain in the dashboard. can anyone help reset the code so i can drive this beautiful car high maintenance car or any other suggestions. so far i have MHD flasher, which shows the code : 2ab4 DME: DME internal Fault ram checksum I live in Mt roskill Auckland. help 022 4 585 475
  3. torque logging measures the vacuum in negative but does not go into positive... i hear the turbos spoolings so it maybe the software not reading correctly
  4. Hi team, i hope this message finds you well. I had my vacuums lines replaced 2 weeks ago along with rear turbo. ( wastegate was stuck in the open position) The job was completed by a BMW dealer under warranty, so it should be good workmanship ( we hope so anyway ) The car drove like a rocket for the first 2 weeks, then i noticed a slight loss of power, exhaust slightly louder, car running slightly sluggish. no engine lights have come on, no fault codes from Torque engine management diagnostic tools and MHD flasher NOTE: Toruqe app real time boost psi and vacume readings do not go into positive, is this normal? 335i.pdf335i.pdf I dont have anymore to evidence to show the workshop. and they are hesitant to help further Is there anymore testing i can do or any advice from fellow BMW owners to help build a case to present to dealership. any advice would be appreciated. (I have attached a copy of invoice notes, to give a clearer picture) regards
  5. Big thanks to Allan, it was a pleasure talking to you, and thanks for you time I now know 2 things 1) i have a cheap OBD 2) i have 3 error codes 30FF turbocharger charge air pressure too l ow 2a99 crank shaft outlet camshaft correlation 3100 boost pressure control deactivation any feedback
  6. thanks for the offer mate, I would of come in today... except your out-of Auckland..
  7. ok cool i just saw http://botanymotorworx.co.nz/contact-us as a sponsor, will cal them this week does anyone have a top scanner im willing to drive and meet, coffeee or beer on beer on me!
  8. what would you suggest the next step to be?
  9. the wheel aligment place said wheel alighment wont fix the inner wear =/
  10. him thanks for the tip... my conservative side ask, whats the down side to this tyre slime, eg does it affect the sensor? will affect the tyre going forward, im thinkinhg to start looking for a biscuit
  11. its thrill to drive, but the maitenance cost, and runflats are crap.. the torque curve is excellent, its truly is a perfomance car, im looking to mod the exhaust soon, to get a deeper growl
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