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Everything posted by nz320i

  1. nz320i

    sport muffler

    thats all good, think ill pass though, need heaps of engine bits at the mo, plus want new wheels blah the list goes on haha
  2. nz320i

    sport muffler

    sorry my bad as i said i havent really been looking round, but at the mo its too much got too many other things on the go! thanks anyway it would be nice
  3. Whatt!! brand new bilstiens for 150 i thought they are like 250 each... where from Gus? Are they adjustable damper
  4. nz320i

    sport muffler

    uhhh 100 bucks? i really dont know what they are worth 2nd hand sorry
  5. nz320i

    e28 528im

    i love that car! its always for sale though..
  6. nz320i

    Running Rich

    where is the temp sensor and what 3 bolts do i undo for thermostat ?! cheers
  7. in the weekend i went from 91 to 98 and wow did it make it nice to drive at higher speeds, way more power in 4th.
  8. nz320i

    2 Silver e30s

    Sweet as would be good, i also need to finish fixing up my engine sensors and sh*t cost loads!
  9. nz320i

    sport muffler

    yes! how much are we talking? im keen as. thank you.
  10. nz320i

    sport muffler

    anyone got a twin in / twin out muffler im not that keen on buying one and spending heaps but thought if someone has one lying round im keen. Cheers
  11. nz320i


    man thats anal when they call the cops oh sh*t!!
  12. nz320i

    Gus Pics

    engine looks pimp, how'd you prep it for painting also did you prime ?
  13. nz320i

    Running Rich

    how much for dizzy cap and rotor i need one too also how hard is it to change the thermostat
  14. would pay up to $350ishhh ?? reasonable?
  15. nz320i

    2 Silver e30s

    where on earth did you get those ridiculously awesome seats? dam i want some! Niiice
  16. had 318iS (wrecked as well) have e30 320i reppen hard
  17. nz320i

    2 Silver e30s

    yeah meet sounds mint! dam i was in my car all weekend i shouldve meet up ( drove the road to akaroa twice with the car stripped out soo fun ) .. and yeah that rear spoiler is hot
  18. nz320i

    318iS Bits

    sooo are you still keeping the bilstiens?
  19. Oh sh*t! i only just realised haha ill find it http://youtube.com/watch?v=7LcNu9NHVyo
  20. Also any idea of how hard it is to replace the thermostat?? my car wont get that warm anymore like it sits under where it always used to (half way) .... would this be a bust thermostat??
  21. Gidday guys and girls, After driving my car around town to get here and there, im now sick of the changes from 1st to 2nd, You can feel the gear go into 2nd through your arm its quite loud and clunks a bit (especially when cold) , also at higher revs the gearbox kinda whines a wee bit, although the changes are really good nice 3rd 4th 5th... Is it worth ripping it out and trying to rebuild and put new bearings in , or what is a rough estimate of taking it somewhere??? Any help sweet!
  22. gidday, saw you today as you passed me on riccarton road, i was in the white coupe turning right, have to say what an awesome car yours is, man the wheels look great!!
  23. i dunno i was just on you tube and thought it was funny .. so i guess you could say i was pretty bored at the time
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