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Everything posted by jwde30

  1. Gorgeous. Such a nice car!!
  2. Im keen for a set of these if any body has some theyre keen to sell pm me.
  3. jwde30

    TechII e30 M50

    This is a mean car. well played sir!
  4. jwde30


    A face lift m20b20 engine for sale. Had 135,000k on it and was always well maintained and looked after. Started first time every time and never gave me any problems. Comes with the ecu (motronic 173),inlet manafold with injectors,engine mounts, water pump(average condition) and pretty much everything else bar the starter and altinator. Im in cambridge but would be happy to help you arrange shipping if needed. This would be the perfect buy for someone with a 316i,318i e30 or an e21. $350 for everything ONO. Will post pics soon.
  5. jwde30

    My e28

    This is enjoyable! Dope bro well done
  6. jwde30

    My e30 Progress

    It finds any driveway a challange haha
  7. jwde30

    My e30 Progress

    Up date time! My 2.5 Motor is coming along nicely. Should be finished in the next couple of days and put in. Ive got another Centre cap so Ive got all 4 now (thanks to VEEDUB). Got a genuine IS lip for it too. Ive also lowered it a little bit more all around too. Contemplating selling early next year. I think its time to move on to other things...
  8. Hey mate. do you have any large size rs centre caps. I need a half height hex 09.24.152, waffle plate 09.24.028 and a badge 09.24.036. Thanks
  9. jwde30

    E30 lip

    Hey guys I'm looking for a lip. Prefacelift or I.S or anything else. Preferably an I.S lip Thanks
  10. Evan at speedfactor hooks bimmersporters up got mine through him. Paid $1300. If I were you I would pay a little extra and get the rear coilover conversion.
  11. Wow! this was un-expected.
  12. Ive got the power steering stuff and steering linkage. im in hamilton
  13. Ive got the seat belt bit you want bro. $15
  14. Bmw on Stanceworks....perfect as usual!
  15. I like it bro. They took ages to grow on me too but I really like them now. Nice car
  16. jwde30

    New Toy!

    More low and you've definatly got a winner. Nice car bro!
  17. How much would you want for them bro?
  18. Yea I love the touring side skirts. Would be keen for some on my car.
  19. That blue one is this one. his names stale30 on the forums. http://www.flickr.com/photos/34327144@N08/...57622109939918/
  20. This is so nice. Just go's to show less is more! http://www.r3vlimited.com/board/showthread.php?t=123474
  21. Haha na im joking bro. dont have any money atm!
  22. If you want another project bro I could drop my RS's of and you could re-build them. Delphen centres,gold bolts and 2innch rear lips???? haha
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