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About Mikal

  • Rank
    3rd Gear
  • Birthday 08/06/1990

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  • Name
    Michael. H
  • Location
  • Car
    328i E36
  • Car 2
    Sick ass Suzuki Scooter

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  1. Quality wasn't very good, and distorted when you put the volume up. I ended up just buying a head unit with bluetooth. You also had to trick the factory unit into thinking there was a tape in. Would only recommend as a temporary iPod input if you want any sort of quality.
  2. Just reps, only 7.5s but they look a little better than the standard 16. I'm keen to try get some E36s together for some pics soon if anyone wants to? Darin is in... Any others keen?
  3. Slightly lower at the front, put Darins old bilstein struts/Springs in on the weekend. I'd say it's about 15 or 20mm lower now.
  4. Nope only since about Christmas... They are a bit curbed but I stole them off of my sisters 318i thats broke and gathering dust in a shed so they cost me nothing.
  5. Update because I took a kind of cool Pic at work.
  6. Last I checked they were about $115 +gst from BMW
  7. Spotted this the about a week ago. I'm guessing parked outside your house? Not sure what that road is called but had good views of the bridge/city. Looked good!
  8. So I stupidly left my adaptor sitting in the lug nut and lost it up the road while swapping some wheels over as I needed to shoot down the road to get air in the final wheel. I now have 3/4 wheels changed and urgently need to get this last wheel changed over so I can take my car for a WOF. In Auckland... Help would be hugely appreciated.
  9. Spotted that red bagged e30 at Unitec today. Can't remember the members name but looked pretty good sitting (literally) on the rs reps.
  10. Looks about the same height my old 328i was, on bilstein springs and I had the m3 lip + the extra corner splitter things and only scraped on a few steep driveways... Maybe its buggered shocks letting the suspension travel more?
  11. Bikes don't get a whole lot of love on here but I thought this was pretty cool...
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