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Sick Puppy

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Posts posted by Sick Puppy

  1. Feb 2012 Bumpage - selling lots of stuff as we are considering moving overseas

    Tools - Koken, Snap on, Aigo, NWS, Knipex, a SAFA chest and unknown brand middle box, and Norbar and Warren & Brown Torque wrenches

    Books and CD's most at $1 reserve - bit of dance, bit of rock, as well as everything from Matthew Reilly to erm, well a bit of everything really!

    A bunch of household stuff - deep fryer, barbeque, desk, chest.

    There is plenty more coming - auctions should mostly finish on Mondays

    edit: Selling more stuff...

  2. Hi ya everyone, yes it is an utterly random and non-BMW related question (or even car related for that matter), but does anyone here know of any NZ based forums about woodwork and cabinet making? I had a quick look today and couldn't find anything...

    The reason I ask is that a workmate is looking to buy a table saw to make cabinets etc, and wasn't able to either find the model he wanted (it's coming here in 2011... at twice the price :o ) or much in the way of information in general. I thought I'd have a look around as I like researching this kind of stuff, and was pretty surprised that there isn't anything NZ-based.

    SO, does anyone here know of any sites etc?

    edit: changed thread title to concentrate on Table saws

  3. Aah, Garage journal- agree completely, I have spent countless hours in this site, and learnt more about tools there than anywhere else. I have a whole folder on Firefox for threads in this site... I found it a while back with some random thread about converting the back of a van to a tool cabinet... and then someone somewhere pointed me to this thread, and it is awesome!


    I'll leave you guys to check it out, but if you have an interest in tools, garages and mancave stuff, it is definitely worth a visit!

  4. only got the 1?

    +1, as timing isn't great for me at the mo. :(

    Looking at this for my impending E34 project, if there anything I should also upgrade at the same time as this? Will it pur more pressure on the gearbox syncros? I remember reading this somewhere, no idea where...

  5. Hey mate, how about a Panzer tank? Could you FEDX me one?

    I've just hired a German guy FOB. They seem to be pretty nice and straight up people.

    Well, if ya do it bit by bit... just like the GI's shipping M16's and jeeps back from vietnam! lol

    Quinn, there are a few tools (NWS Pliers) I'd like to order from ebay.de, would this be feasible? And thanks from all us Bimmersporters for offering this to us, it really is appreciated!

    So what are you up to in Germany?

  6. an 535is is prolly cheaper than a 325 and the 5 is a much much nicer car,and they DONT rust

    Unless they're from the UK- the one I have is rustier than a rusty thing, I will be very happy stripping and reshelling it- gives me something to do at least! :D

    But I'd have an E30 in any shape any day of the week- 'vert, coupe, sedan or touring. Anything you don't like about it can be replaced or upgraded by aftermarket newer gear, and IMO it still looks better than most cars that have come out since. Definitely in the top ten of cars I'd look at given the opportunity and the $$.

  7. Having gone through the process last year with two different vehicles, the re-VIN rules are different for pre-'90 and post-'90 cars. For 1990 or later, the inspection is extensive and invasive, but for pre 1990 cars the inspection is little more involved than a very thorough WOF.

    Just to clarify, I take it you mean vehicles registered in NZ pre and post-1990, or do you mean vehicles made pre or post-1990?

  8. Should be a case of just pressing the install button, rather than copying the source code. Greasemonkey will install it automatically if it has a '.user.js' extension.

    I get what you mean about the not too familiar. I hardly get this stuff and my major is computer science :P

    Install button?

    [oh, you have to be f***ing kidding me...]

    Fry, thank you- I feel like a right muppet, I cannot believe I didn't see the install button! lol Works like a charm... thanks again!

  9. After you've gone to the link in the OP, follow the steps in the description. Should be a green install button on each of the links in step 1 & 2.

    Make sure to restart firefox after it has installed greasemonkey.

    Thanks- what I mean though is that I have DL'ed Greasemonkey, it is more the installation of the script for Trademe that I cannot install.

    In terms of the script, under the source code text in http://userscripts.org./scripts/review/10349, I take it I copy everything from /* to } ?

    Also, where do I put it? Do go into the Trademe website, right click on the greasemonkey symbol, click on New User Script, and then...? Where to put this code? IN the 'Includes" box? Or have I missed a step entirely?

    Thanks for your help JFry, sorry for n00b questions, not too familiar with coding stuff!

  10. I'm moving house, they've gotta go!

    Been meaning to put them on here for a while, but work and packing have been keeping me busy!

    Moving house on 2 July, selling a lounge suite (two one seaters and a three seater) and a fridge. Both are in good nick.

    Sofa does have a tear at the back, but fabric is still tight and hard to see unless you know where it is;

    Posted Image

    Fridge has a few dents, and seal has a small tear on outside of seal- still sealed, and no problems with temperature.

    Posted Image

    Link to my listings:


    There will be a few other bits and bobs I'll be getting rid of, nothing major though. Thanks for looking!

  11. What he says^^^

    +2 Metrics are used by virtually no one nowadays (or at least no one of consequence), so no one really makes them, or spends time investing in the machinery/ development for them... and like Brent says, tyre technology has improved a bit since then! :D

    imperial wheels FTW... sorry!

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