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other forums(bmw)?

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I'm not really into overseas forums.

But as I know alot of ya's are, i was just wondering what ones. and what u have to say about them.


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Used to frequent hotbimmer but it went offline even though it was quite busy. r3vlimited is a cool e30 forum I check out occaisionally for broader info if no-one here knows. The others I've found are too busy for me to keep up so I don' like them.

Its a good point to note for here too - although more traffic = more advertising leverage, it would ruin BS for me if it got too much busier (not that my opinion means diddly of course). Already since joining I feel I need to skim and cut through the chaff so to speak when browsing here (2 pages of unread posts every morning at 50 per page compared with always less than one before).

But its a sign of the times and a good thing too.

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Graham "Back in myyyyyyy day..."

Hmmm e30zone.co.uk?

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wtf, totally off topic, look at the time of posts, the clock is way off? anyway, revlimited?

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it's been doing it for a while. i think the clock went an hour forward during daylight savings instead of back??

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www.m5board.com (use for parts, other than that good people to talk to)

www.bimmerforums.com (this one is awesome, has everything and hundreds online at a time)

www.bimmerfest.com (ok)

www.e36coupe.com - great for E36 / and UK ideas

www.e39forum.de (great for E39 issues - need to speak German)

www.bimmerwerks.com (ok)

www.roadfly.com/bmw (sh*t)

www.m3forum.com (great for M3 parts and advice)

Others I am not a member of:



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E30tech.com is good if you're turbocharging an e30 in terms of the information they have on the site.. lots of other useful stuff too.

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Im on e30zone.net, e38.org, bmw7resourse.co.uk, the7seriesregister.co.uk and thealpinaregister.com (which has been incredibly informative).

To pick up on Bravo's point about size :o

Ive noticed that as BS has grown weve got more and more noobs asking the same old questions about tyres, shocks, offsets and turbo's and less and less of the 'regulars' updating us on their projects.

The noobs are what makes the world go round and are always welcome of course, but does this mean that all the regulars have finished their particular projects ?

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does this mean that all the regulars have finished their particular projects ?

Good things take time :D

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www.s14net was pretty good. it's a US based site but went offline for a few months recently.

haven't bothered to get back into it as far too many posts to skim thru everyhting and get up with the play again..


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I guess I have been a bit guilty of not giving a full update on brendons and my project. We have been busy most nights researching and building. But have had little time to post about it ... the small ones I have done have been straight after I've taken a photo.

We have a _massive_ howto: being written up .. that we will put online.

further to the same old questions being asked over and over again.

We are looking into a section of the site / forum that will anwser most "first questions" about the relitive cars. We feel not only this will make it more informative and easier on people .. but hopefully will promote a good "BMW modders" circle (alot like the world class mitsi community here in NZ) We in New Zealand are in the unique / lucky position with our import laws and reasonible laws around modification to modify BMWs to extreme measures. The US forums while good mainly focus around US engines which for the most case can be useless to us. Most of the European forums are in a different language and the UK has very strict insurance brackets. So you dont see a lot of full on modding going on there.

My personal dream is to see this site the place to stop for euro bread BMW / english speaking community. With us kiwi's go get it attitude and the depth of knowledge some of the members are willing to share, im sure we can achieve this.

My goal with this project was to create a learning platform for both brendon (assault) and myself. To actually say that in my life time 'ive built a car'. To also "some what" provide a flagship for bimmersporters to learn from as well. As I have said before, we are documenting the whole process with photos and ways / reason why we have done things certain ways.

Its great to see atleast 6 other conversions of various sorts on these boards. :)

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Great to see Josh wanting to share his information too. I took my brother and 8 and 4 year old sons round there on Saturday for a look. Great to share an enthusiasm of the BMW marque with someone. As I've said before.... the wife just doesn't understand!!!!

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yea that sounds awesome.

since posting this topic, I've been looking at other forums.

mainly for info, but although they have some outrageous bmws, the general level here is not really that far behind overseas, if any. especially with our limited availability to parts etc.

I look forward to being part of 'the big picture' which is planned for the future of this site.

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