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Accident in Tauranga.

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Im after peoples thoughts on this, with all the stuff that happend in Tauranga, with the tragedy of someone being hit by a car in a race at 160k's, their now planning to do all sorts of things (I just watched the news)

Such as, constant liquor bans in non licensed areas (kinda makes sense) Stopping masses of cars, ie boy racers congregating and dragging etc etc, but the one im most interested about, is the cracking down of selling, insuring and allowing high performance cars for younger people, how will this affect the people who have nice cars, but DONT do stupid things and get given a bad name?? insurance, stereo types???

Anyone have any thoughts???

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All they need to do is compolsary insurance, and it's nigh on impossible for a 18 year old to insure a WRX.. Easy as that. Doesn't stop retards in slow cars crashing them and dragging though.

I think this country needs to have a big cup of harden the f**k up, Just because one person gets killed (well make that a couple each month) we need to change the laws bla bla bla.... I'm assuming more people die of workplace related injuries but every time one of them happens we don't see it on the news. Unless it's something cool, Like falling into a chip-miller.

Stupid PC society.

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All they need to do is compolsary insurance, and it's nigh on impossible for a 18 year old to insure a WRX.. Easy as that. Doesn't stop retards in slow cars crashing them and dragging though.

I think this country needs to have a big cup of harden the f**k up, Just because one person gets killed (well make that a couple each month) we need to change the laws bla bla bla.... I'm assuming more people die of workplace related injuries but every time one of them happens we don't see it on the news. Unless it's something cool, Like falling into a chip-miller.

Stupid PC society.

I agree, it is always the stupid ones that wreck it for everyone else, stupid meaning 1 in 1000 odd people.

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If people look at the facts, more people die each month from accidents such as long trips, falling asleep, or most importantly, have we forgotten about the insane amount of drink drivers NZ?

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i agree that something needs to b dun.there is allways a few that spoil it 4 the rest of us, but these few r giving all us young people a bad name. the cracking down of 'high performance" cars may work but where will they draw the line of whats high performance?im not 2 sure what should be dun, but things need 2 change.

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i agree that something needs to b dun.there is allways a few that spoil it 4 the rest of us, but these few r giving all us young people a bad name. the cracking down of 'high performance" cars may work but where will they draw the line of whats high performance?im not 2 sure what should be dun, but things need 2 change.

yea i think so to, something does need to be done, but there are ALOT of young people who have high performance cars, not always purchasing, but people who have put their work and money into their cars, etc etc, and there are people who appreciate and care for their cars, and not all they care about is, doin skids and racing down a road. go to meremere ffs!

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First thing we need to do is ban all the thrashed 13 year old Skylines flowing into the country from Japan. I swear, every 2nd time I see a racer he/she will be in a craped out Skyline flying towards me at 110km in a 50km zone.

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IMO it's not the cars that are doing the damage but the idiots behind the wheels. Bit like guns eh, it's the people who do the killing. Whatever you do there'll always be that group who get around restrictions by getting daddy to buy and insure there cars. I believe it's a culture we've bred thru media exposure and a lack of parental control. Most of us have been there and done that but some always push too far.

Answers? I have none, we've made our bed and now we have to live with the consequences. If it wasn't for the innocents being killed, and if they could be confined to certain areas, I'd say let them go for it, with conditions such as, no booze etc.

I'd rather see Police resources being used in other areas.

In a perfect world you'd have controlled strips, but there'll always be the odd ones who will rebel for the sake of it.

Get them all to build E30 series cars and take it to the track.

God I sound oldPosted Image

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Heres my 2C,

Ban the sh*t, when I was under 20 yeah I did that too, but we did it in the bush/industrial areas where there were no families, houses, people sleeping, children and dogs and cats ... in other words back in the early/mid 90's we had RESPECT.

These days, its like these guys have no fu*king brains and just do what they want and where they want ... and they are going to pass a "anti smacking bill" as well, what the fu*k is wrong with this country???

Under 20 years old now - NO RESPECT.

Dont get me wrong - there are alot of under 20 year olds who what their doing, ones that drive Euro's - but not ones pimed out like jappas with a muffler as big as a Kauri tree and their car pumping out 90BHP.

In Auz, USA, Canada it aint like it is here because the government is too busy forking money out to unemployed people and single mums and suckers like me pay for them!! And cops/government are too insterested in sending taxis out to Piha in emergencies, getting out DIC charges themselves instead of protecting the streets.

New Zealand needs to harden the F**k up and start setting some rules:

1. Compulsary insurance, a least Third party and must be displayed on windshield.

2. Under 20 year olds - no motor car higher than 1600cc / no turbo / supercharger etc

3. Have a licence system like Australia - learners for fu**ing ages, then P's, then black, silver, gold

4. Any drag race in a residential area at 2.00am etc disturbing others - arrest all spectators, drivers suspended for 3 months instantly / impound car / Big ass fine

5. Those drivers who have spent all their money on boost, turbo, oil gauges displayed on their dash with a car that cant push sh*t up a hill and try to think their in WRC - bin them and get a real car.

6. - I have no problem with having fun with cars, drifting, race wars etc .... but just have some respect!! be reponsible about it, drag outside rural areas and use their brain

While were at at ... When I catch these cun*s that tag my fence,can I take him down the lake and ...

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i can hear the sweet sounds of Justin Timerlake in my head as i pass by this thread..

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i can hear the sweet sounds of Justin Timerlake in my head as i pass by this thread..

I must be getting old too .. I dont get the sweet sounds of this Timberlake guy??

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They need to seriously crack down on these people, get rid of all the PC crap and teach them a lesson, make the laws even more stringent, chuck them in jail. Lots of idiot youngsters out there today, making it lousy for the rest of us younger people.

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Firstly the Media [and US for reading their stupid papers] need a good kick up the arse for buying into this sensationalist crap.

I personally know a witness that was parked less than 2 metres from the point of impact, he spent 7 hours with the police while they tried to get a distorted view of what happened [so they can lay charges].

I read this bullshit this morning about how the victim was the starter of the 'drag-race' ,yet he got hit at 160kph [at the start line????] Maybe I should get a VR4

This maybe a tragic event and people are grieving, but there was no act of malice here [no intent], now a 16 year old is facing manslaughter charges [which will now create another victim,and destroy another life]

Whats the answer? who knows? everyone talks about organised events etc, but these always get out of reach of these youngsters [$$$$]

I personally believe in LOWERING the driving age ,and RAISING the age of car ownership to say 18-19 years,but make the car owner 100% liable for the actions of the driver [if a 15year old gets caught speeding in dads car,dad gets the fine & demerit points]I won't take long for parents to control the use of their cars.

Also a youngster can get 3-4 years of experience before,he/she can buy a car.

Imagine the opposite [raising licensing to 18years], a youngster is allowed to leave school at 15years ,get a couple of years of saving $$$$ behind them ,to go and buy a Turbo'd missile,before they even get behind the wheel [crazy]


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What I don't get is when Someone can go 70kph down the main street, mid day...where sensibly you should be doing 40max, and get $170ish dollar fine.

And someone else can walk down the same street at 12am, smash a window, and get arrested, chucked in the cells, court date, where he'll probably get a big as fine/community service.

I'm not saying the second person shouldn't get it, I'm saying the first should. Whats more dangerous to the community which the police are trying to protect????

just my 2c


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its more comple than that.Its a combination of things.

Cars have never been cheaper

Globalised media

Cell phones ,internet make communication with large numbers of people very very easy

Alcohol has never been easier to get

Whats the answer?

We all need to be more responsible for ourselves.each other and our families

I beleive the learner /inexperienced driver does need to have some restriction on the power of their cars,maybe some system more like the motorcycle system

I am sure some higher speeds crashes happen because of the modifications to the shitboxes suspension(and maybe some not so shitboxes),and the ridiculous driving position that is fashionable.

All generations have had hoons,just not hundreds at a time in the same place,with large numbers of people drunk and encouraging behaviour that is later regretted.

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The problem with todays society is all the laws that restrict civil liberty's, nearly every f**ken thing we do is illegal [especially when things go wrong] The main problem with the laws we have,is that nobody will take personal responsibility for their own actions. If you teach a kid to handle alcohol responsibly,you get prosecuted for supplying liquor to a minor, If a Cop gives a kid a whack for misbehaving they've now commited assault etc etc etc! And everyone is always willing to blame someone or something else

Combine this with the "Forbidden Fruit" mentality,and you can see how it fuels these clandestine activities

Face it! whenever we swap "war stories" about our past experiences,it's nearly always the naughty sh*t we got up to that we remember most. The more the establishment try and "stamp out" boy racers,the more it will thrive


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You're a wise man kerry.

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Prime Ministers need cocks

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You're a wise man GusPosted Image

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bottom line in my opinion, smarter people at the top (govt) less idiots at the bottom (boy racers such as the dumb ones) stricter punishments for the people who actually DO the dumb things, I like teh sound of the dad getting de merits when sonny jim with a halo above his head steals the new m5 and goes racing, youd see one hell of a turn around then.

and just to add, your all wise men lol.

Edited by QuickSilver

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its easy to be a wise man on the internet with some time to think of replies and the way things should be

my grandma asked me why i dont try and be a politician..my reply? i think i have far too much common sense

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In my opinion...there really is not much more that can be done other than impounding cars...huge ass fines for people caught

What’s the point in reducing the engine size of cars? You can still drive fast enough to kill some one or yourself.

What’s the point of compulsory insurance? Most young owners of turbos don’t have insurance anyway...and the ones that do have it care about there cars and dont want to thrash and crash them

the comment about rasing the driving age is absolutely correct...its about experience... what’s a good decision and what’s a bad decision...how does that add go..."bad calls can be deadly" its just basic common sense

Did any one else notice that all the cars in the news reports were old pieces of sh*t? I didn’t see one car that I would call "high performance"

There’s always gonna be dickheads around who drive like Muppets and think they are bullet proof. No mater what car they drive...

I have a retard who lives in my street (dead end with 20 houses, 80m long) we have young families that live in the street and this guy drives his lil shitobx 90's corolla with 17's up the road like its a rally car...always doing skids into the street and ripping hand breaks, this is the mentality of some of these people...and that will never change they are always gonna be dickheads. Some people just need to realise that people don’t think they are cool because they do this

Personally I don’t see the enjoyment of having to fork out $300+ for new tires just so you can do a "phat skid" and impress people you don’t know and will probably never meet.

There’s a time and place for everything...I have no problem with "spirited" driving and having fun. But it’s just COMMON SENSE...

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Two Solutions:

Breeding Licenses: Self explanatory really

Guns: For selected people to 'enforce' the law

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