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anyone here know much about the petrol stations

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im not too happy at the moment. i got a letter through this morning from bp fuels. they have a picture of me filling my car at bp in lower hutt. and they claim that i was incorectly charged. and that i owe them $64.40 wich is about 48l of 91 octane.

now for starters i run my car on 98 not 91. and i only ever put 20 bux in at a time. and i have the bank statement to show that.

now i am wondering what kind of records the station keeps? like how much of what fuel came out of a pump at a specific time?

and can they look back at the transactions and see that i paid for 20 bux of 98 octane? and can they tell by the cctv what fuel i used and how much i put in?



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im not too happy at the moment. i got a letter through this morning from bp fuels. they have a picture of me filling my car at bp in lower hutt. and they claim that i was incorectly charged. and that i owe them $64.40 wich is about 48l of 91 octane.

now for starters i run my car on 98 not 91. and i only ever put 20 bux in at a time. and i have the bank statement to show that.

now i am wondering what kind of records the station keeps? like how much of what fuel came out of a pump at a specific time?

and can they look back at the transactions and see that i paid for 20 bux of 98 octane? and can they tell by the cctv what fuel i used and how much i put in?



Bloody a..holes!! - what a cheek, I would certainly be wanting them to "prove it was me" & show them your evidence to combat theirs.

Good luck!

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If you can show a bank statement for that day and approximate time at that petrol station, I'd say you can tell them to go the hell away!

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They have a record of every single tranaction

they would use the time of the transaction they think is "wrong" to look at the cameras.The transaction would record the pump number.We all know that each pump tower can have four dispeners on it.If you stil have the receipt you can prove what you bought.Your bank statement will obviuosly show x dollars at BP.what are they saying that you were at pump 4 and actually claimed pump 3????

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When I go to a busy gas station I fill up and then park the car then walk in to pay - the guy in front does this also. Often I have to tell the attendant which transaction is mine on that pump as he has 2 or 3 on the screen as the shop is so full I managed to beat the guy in front of me to pay while he is trying to find some greasy excuse for something edible from Cafe Bean.

You might have been parked there, but bet you it wasn't your fill that was being paid at the time.

Tell them to feck off.

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This happened to a mate at BP Dairy Flat on the m'way north. They sent a letter saying he'd driven off without paying $71 or so. He produced a receipt for $87 same day and time. I told him to ask for a refund, as they'd obviously overcharged.

Show them the bank statement and tell them to get lost.

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I'm sure the cctv will be able tell whether you picked up the 1st, 2nd or 3rd pump. Just like what everyone else said, ignore them. If it's a small place and that's the only place for 98octane then go see the manager and ask him to get the footage for yours and his sake as you would like to continue to shop there.

If you want to have a little fun then tell them to you will only speak to Police then you can tell your side of the story or tell them to contact your lawyer and give them any old lawyers name over the phone.

I would certainly talk to the manager to clear up any misunderstanding otherwise you might be banned from all BP then you have no where else to get 98 octane :)

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now for starters i run my car on 98 not 91. and i only ever put 20 bux in at a time. and i have the bank statement to show that.


Bank statement only shows the incorrect amount they charged and receipts again only show the incorrect transaction which they charged. I guess the only way to prove your innocent is that cctv which shows you picked up the 2nd pump (98) instead of the first 1st pump (91) - then again innocent until proven guilty, so show me the prove BP

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Tell them to get forked.

I prepayed 30 bucks and the pump just didnt stop till there was about $70 on the meter... I didn't even realise so I quickly pulled it out and went to the counter to tell them what had happened only to have the c@nt at the counter say OI what are you doing you owe us x dollars and had a cry. I was going to pay it anyways but seeing he was being a prick I told him to shove it and that there crappy machine had continued and it was not in anyway my fault. They kept saying sh*t and in the end they said fine we'll meet you half way. I just said nay I payed for $30 of gas, go get a hose and syphen the rest out.

After a while I just said f**k this I'm going and left.. nothing happened after that and I still use the same gas station nearly every time I fill up.

Stand up for yourself and you'll be fine...same with anything really.

Good luck

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Don't tell them to stuff off as that'll only make you look guilty.

Just write a reasonable letter in response detailing what you've already said.

Edited by Mr. Pink

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they have a picture of me filling my car at bp in lower hutt. and they claim that i was incorectly charged.

Given they have a picture then ask to see it.. Maybe the pic will prove that you were using the 98 pump not the 91 pump.

I bet the stuffed up the transactions and when you paid for your gas the guy at the counter put it against the wrong pump..


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Unless they can prove you underpaid they dont have a leg to stand on.

Carl is right, dont get all shitty about it, write a decent letter telling them that you always put 20 in and that you have the records to show you paid 20 that night. After that its all down to them having to prove that you took more.

Considering the amount of money involved they are very unlikely to follow up. It would cost them way more to chase you for it.

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I agree with Carl and Martyn. Just write a polite, reasonable letter to them explaining that it wasn't you, and why, and I'm sure that will be the end of it.

After all, it is most likely a pure mistake, and people are prone to make these from time to time.



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I had this same problem. they sent me a letter saying i had pumped and left without paying. the manager stated that i was on cctv and didnt pay although i knew i had and that i was to pay for the fuel + $40 dishonesty fee.

as i knew i had payed i went up there and demanded to see the footage from that day. with a lil bit of ranting i got my wish. i looked through the footage and there i was handing money to the teller.

moral of the story dont trust the blind managers. go and demand to see footage for yourself. You are bound to spot yourself better than they can.

Can save alot of time and a letter from the police.

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They be hustlin.....

Sometimes they take yo' money an put it against tha wrong "fill"

Maybe some other ***** got some free petrol...

Almost happened to me, -cause of a newbie working tha tills

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Service station workers are n00bs. At our local servo's we still get our vehicles filled for us by the attendant. I choose not to. I drink at Midas on a Friday night - they have emptied 15 cars filled with the incorrect fuel on behalf of just one servo since last October.

Edited by bravo

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State your case clearly without aggro & ALWAYS get a receipt in future to prove fuel/ltrs used, i never leave a gas station now without my receipt.

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