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Palazzo last won the day on April 30

Palazzo had the most liked content!

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454 Excellent

About Palazzo

  • Rank
    5th Gear

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  • Car
    F15 30d
  • Car 2
    '96 328i manual
  • Car 3
    '87 325i 'Vert Tech 1

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  1. Particularly the price of wheel speed sensors and spark plugs compared with Spareto…
  2. There's some in Hamilton on FB. Knock them down on price for the missing trim piece, should still be available anyway. Or some in Chch, missing the bolts, also available.
  3. Congrats. What’s the worst that could happen? Seriously, good on you for taking it on. Look forward to seeing the progress.
  4. Looks like our old 944, didn’t get the rego?
  5. Palazzo

    Quick rant thread.

    Oh that’s nothing. $4.80 item, $40.26 shipping.
  6. €240 on Spareto and they do deliver. 28 day delay though. https://spareto.com/products/ate-pressure-accumulator-braking-system/10-0515-9002-3 not 100% it’s the right one though, part number off real oem will confirm.
  7. $7500 with a new clutch, fuel pump and cam chain can’t be too bad. I’ve heard a clutch is $4k alone.
  8. Palazzo

    Quick rant thread.

    I know what you mean, but there are still some times it works out. Mate just got quoted $2,760 + GST for parts for a 2013 Volvo, I could land them for $975. Not through You Shop.
  9. Palazzo

    Quick rant thread.

    Used You Shop by NZ Post. Total order, $48, You Shop delivery cost, $38 including GST. Very nearly made it price competitive to buy here l. They state 0-500gm, $13.50, each additional 500gm, $13.50. Further down the state minimum 1kg, my package weight was 150gm. Read the fine print I guess, but never again.
  10. Thanks Will, that did the trick. 2 hours to remove 9 bolts, including digging up my grandfathers 9/16 open ended spanner. Only to find the last bolt has an end missing and simply turns and turns and turns… guess I’ll just have to mask more off.
  11. No room either way. Full disclosure, it’s a rowing machine. Tried vice grips. Think the best way is to cut a slot in like Neil suggested. Where do you buy a multi tool?
  12. Hmmn. Don’t have a multi tool, hacksaw perhaps. Its only a small bolt.
  13. Trying to remove an Allen key bolt. Someone has been at it before and completely rounded the inside of the head. Can’t get anything to hold and the nut won’t loosen on the other end without pressure. Any ideas?
  14. Assuming my eye sight hasn’t failed me (again), Pirelli are $238 and Yokohama $178 at Hyper Drive for that size. How cheap do you have to be?
  15. Ah yes. Still a no.
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