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Forum Layout

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Is there anyway to adjust the form layout to suite a 19" wide screen. Wide screens are pretty much run of the mill now. And it annoys me that the bimmersport forum is scrunched up in the middle. It also resizes small pics that are only 800X500 when there is no need unless you are running a 14" CRT

Also am I the only one that has missing emoticons? Alot of seem to have the red X instead.

Please tell me off if I am just trying to find things with my eyes closed again though.

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All the things you mentioned happen on my computer too. Good points, would be nice to have them fixed/changed.

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yeh, i fixed this problem on my 22"

i just open it on my secondary 15" :P

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short awnser is the site hasn't been skinned for large resolution monitors... it would require a site re-design to cope.

I might look at this next year .. time is not my friend at the moment.

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Thats cool. Is it just to do with the software? Silvia Club uses something NUke? And it just stretches to what ever size screen you are on.

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The site can be made to stretch to a certain percent of the screens width, however problems arise - not really when viewed on a large monitor but on a small one which a significant percentage of people still use.

Having it constrained to this width means that there is no chance of the layout going skew and it keeps things consistent. I believe it is a good size that on any screen from 800px wide upwards makes for easy reading and an aesthetically pleasing layout.

Have a look at other major news sites - the are all constrained to a width that fits inside approx an 800 x 600 resolution screen. Another key reason for the width being constrained is to make it easier to read, when reading a book have you ever skipped a line or re-read the same one? having text stretch far across the screen would increase the probability of this phenomenon.

And images - the reason attached images display as thumbnails - increase page loading speed, remember NZ internet is still sloooow. Other images are scaled down to fit within the constraints of the website, they are plenty big enough and can be click on to be view at full scale if you like.

I use a 22" wide screen and it doesn't bother me at all that the site is only in the middle, and it doesn't seem 'scrunched up', perhaps this is just a personal thing?

I hope that has answered your question and hopefully explains everything. If you would like to convince me otherwise please feel free to PM me with examples of how you think it should look and suggestions etc.

P.S. the other little bugs we need to fix such as emoticons will be tended to in due course, forgive us for these for now.

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what happen to the good old internet purists who follow the ideal that you never know the display screen size and therefore all webpages should be coded to render properly on any size screen.

Afterall, I too have a wide screen monitor and on this website it only uses 50% of my available screen real estate.

Dear ol' Bimmersport would be soooooo much nicer to view if it properly rendered correctly at 100% screen width.

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Have a look at the SNZ website.


It stretches to what ever size screen you have with no problems.

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