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Real Men Turbo Size

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fairly amazed at the size of this turbo...on an M20

it does however put out a little North of 1000hp


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i want one!

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With extra cheese?

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Let me guess...Swedish?

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Don't believe it, trick pix?

No sh*t, the engine couldn’t even spin that sucker!

I’d say it’s off a agricultural or heavy vehicle and they have put it on there for a laugh, it doesn’t even come close to lining up.

Looks cool none the less.

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Is the engine spinning the turbo, or is the turbo spinning the engine?

Seen smaller ones on reasonable sized bulldozers!

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it was off a Swedish thread - cant read if it was real or not!

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It doesn't bolt up to the flange, so chances are he just chucked it on for the photo.

But I'd just like to think he changed the flange.

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