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What I love about my BMW

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For me it's the noise like a powerboat engine when I even touch the accelerator.

Not loud and tacky like a big bore exhaust, just low and ominous.

I too am a member of the "I stare at my car far too much" club.

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  wild_weston said:

I too am a member of the "I stare at my car far too much" club.


I'm a little anxious about getting caught doing it at work!

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  moktar said:

I love the fact that my car sat side by side with a CHEROKEE SRT8 2008 untill he dropped off at 200kph :-)

On a closed private road of course B)

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  advantex said:

Better than a wife, she does exactly what I ask of her and never complains. I respect her and she looks after me. I don't ask more than she is capable of and she never complains. Always there, always willing for a good ride, only a small warmup needed before she is rearing to go.

Looks good, not showing her age yet, sprints up hills like a teenager yet has poise, maturity, stability and don't half look bad she all polished up.

Perhaps I should marry one!

Methinks you've got a women fixation thing going on lol :o

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i love the sound...the bumpy ride.. the 4 seat belt clicker things in the frount....but most of all....the silly ammounts of neg camber

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  wild_weston said:

I too am a member of the "I stare at my car far too much" club.

+2, a lot of my spare (sometimes not spare) time is spent staring out the window at it.

Unfortunately mine sounds like a tractor though- hence I only stare.

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  Quailboy said:

+2, a lot of my spare (sometimes not spare) time is spent staring out the window at it.

My frikin Accounting class is right next to the car park so you can kind of see my problem :D

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  Nick021 said:

My frikin Accounting class is right next to the car park so you can kind of see my problem :D

Haha, you poor poor man. HOW DO YOU CONCENTRATE?!?

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  e34play said:

i like staring at mine 2 its quite scary lol

Haha. I find myself driving along and staring at the reflection of her in the shops windows. Sometimes it's a bit hard to when all the boys are pressed up against the Mount Burger King windows drooling at me...I mean my car.


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  Kopua Cowboy said:

Otherwise, it plays second fiddle to the Lancer, because what really turns me on is handling

I still don’t get that comment :mellow:

The horn on my E30.. The missus tooted at me on her way to work this mooring and it made me spill my Coffee!

And the way the crappy old six sounds cool even though its poked.. oh and the way the engine is so smooth I forget to change out of third at 100kph speeds.

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  Apex said:

The horn on my E30.. The missus tooted at me on her way to work this mooring and it made me spill my Coffee!

The horn on my e30 318i/2 sounds terrible. Soo weak and girly haha. E36s have quite good horns, I wonder if it would be an easy swap into an e30? :D

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  Eddy said:

The horn on my e30 318i/2 sounds terrible. Soo weak and girly haha. E36s have quite good horns, I wonder if it would be an easy swap into an e30? :D

Yea, the one on my 323 is mean azz. Love it :D

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for me its the fact that i finnaly own the car i allways wanted as a kid when i watched the brit touring car series on the box with my old man.

then theres the speed oh the handling the looks the interior the list gos on and on somtimes i find my self in my garage just staring thinking to myself what it would look like with slicks and a cage.

i cant help it im an m3 addict.

trouble is now i want an e30 to match my e36.

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they can't work for more than a week without breaking?

they're old and they leak?

there is always something to fix, nothing is ever quite "right" - i got to the "right" stage once and got bored.

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i love the fact that when you hear a beemer go by you can tell its a bemer just by the sound. and as for my e30 i love the shape of it. it looks like it wants to just drive off a cliff and take off. and i love how grunty it is and its more than just driving a car. its more than a car. its like a human being in a different form it talks to you.

and the e46. i love the sleek muscly look and all the looks you get when a 18 year old drives past in a car that is better than his dads. and all the status that comes with the name bmw. and that i can drive it for hours and never get bored, bmw is more than a manafacturer its a name and a reputation that you have to live up to

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I love just starting mine in the morning and hearing that lovely note that comes out of the exhaust as she fires up and being lowered on 19s and rear wheel drive its just brillant to drive on the back roads.Its the most fun Ive had with my clothes on! and its only a 323!I wouldnt mind trying a 330 M sport on the twisties to see if the performance difference is huge?I think the bigger brakes would be probably be the deciding factor not to mention the 50+housepower.Comming up with about 30K though at the moment is a bit of a problem.Maybe if I win the big Wens Lotto I can trade the aston on a new m3. :rolleyes:

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I love the fact that my BMW looks like it could plough straight through my mate's Starlet and come off unscathed haha

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I love the look of it, love the feeling it gives, the wows of people admiring it, any time i drive it feels like the first time.. Thanks to it, I am always a virgin.. That is IT..

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