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TVNZ Olympics coverage

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Here I am sat watching the swimming in all its HD and Dolby 5.1 glory and yet what have I watched for the last hour....fcuking ads, thats what.

Two minutes of swimming is followed by 3 or sometimes 4 minutes of adverts. TVNZ's coverage is a fcuking joke.

Damn pretty but a fcuking joke.

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So you have free view then?

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Here I am sat watching the swimming in all its HD and Dolby 5.1 glory and yet what have I watched for the last hour....fcuking ads, thats what.

Two minutes of swimming is followed by 3 or sometimes 4 minutes of adverts. TVNZ's coverage is a fcuking joke.

Damn pretty but a fcuking joke.

what is your HD setup?

I hate the "phelps" hype.....And the lack of imagination of the director/producers...the womens road race was at a very interesting point the other night,so they cut away from it and go to NZ vs Brazil in the soccer....why not give us slightly delayed coverage of the next event.They came back to the cycling but I am sure they missed a bit out,and of course the suspense of the chase had gone....LAME

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At least youre getting to see the olympics! Sitting here at work about to watch the 200m butterfly final, ready for Moss to win a medal and what do you know.....every man and his dog in NZ wants to watch it online and it crashes. Missed the race! Pissed.

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Yep have freeviewHD from a UHF aerial into my HTPC to a Samsung LCD. Picture is superb (as you would expect) and 5.1 sound is a bonus. But whats the point because all the coverage is the same bloody ads...here we go again !

As for the cycling, you have to wonder why they showed 2 hours of pretty much nothing to then cut off at the end. At least I had the option of cutting to TVNZ Sports Extra to watch the end of it rather than the football.

Unfortunately TVNZ doesnt have the bandwidth for more than one HD channel so it was only standard quality :(

Im only seeing it because Im off sick ;)

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That cycle coverage was stupid, I switched to sport extra and watched the rest of the race as the NZ soccer game didn’t interest me.

Jealous of your 5.1, my home theatre system has been at Sony for what seems like a year getting repaired.

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The commentary during the opening show was so infuriating and pointless. It ruined a really great show. I remember the idiot commenting on all the athletes "these days" having portable cameras (as opposed to a fixed camera!?) and DVD's, I didn't see one athlete with a DVD :S. I gave up on TVNZ's coverage from that moment on.

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Yeah I agree with the opening ceremony. What the hell are TVNZ doing with the likes of Quinn, Telfer etc. They are so embarassingly bad as commentators. The cycling commentary was superb with the bloke being able to explain why the cyclists sit differently in their seats, and how they fit the rider to the bike etc.

All Quinn and co could do at the opening was correct the Chinese women's pronunciation the whole time !

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Yeah I agree with the opening ceremony. What the hell are TVNZ doing with the likes of Quinn, Telfer etc. They are so embarassingly bad as commentators. The cycling commentary was superb with the bloke being able to explain why the cyclists sit differently in their seats, and how they fit the rider to the bike etc.

All Quinn and co could do at the opening was correct the Chinese women's pronunciation the whole time !

thats one reason why the tour de france is so interesting,liggett and his mate know so much about the sport,and there is obviuosly some very good info coming through on the local area as the tour passes through...

I might consult with you Martyn on HD I will prooly get uhf freeview too but not quite sure i will hook a freeview box a sky box and a dvd recorder and the samsung all up to be linked yet seperate(plus a split off to the other tv)

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