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New e30 photos.

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As per request, here we have my cars latest whoring session.




First two are my favourite :)

Edited by QuickSilver

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Thanks David its definitely the best one of the lot, there are a few more on my PC in different places but they didn't turn out to well.

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Very nice, thankyou for starting a new thread :). What sorta beasty camera do you have to take kickass photos like that.

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The ones with the container were taken outside my mums work in New Lynn, its in the area where paradise ice skating is, sort of industrial looking. The third one was taken by the railway tracks in New lynn, I just saw that building on the way home and thought I'd take a photo as I liked the building :P Looks like the cars been on fire in that one though.

E: Spelling.

Edited by QuickSilver

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Very nice, thankyou for starting a new thread :). What sorta beasty camera do you have to take kickass photos like that.

Canon 350D with Eos lense, single lense reflex. Its an HDR image.

Edited by QuickSilver

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Yep! Seeing as its 3 images pressed into one, I generate the HDR image in a program called Photomatix, and then I can adjust a lot from there, (giving it the general look it has) and then finish it off in photoshop.

Edit: Their done the same way I did the photos of those buildings in town that I posted a while back, its 3 images taken at different exposures, under exposed, correctly exposed, and over exposed (using auto exposure bracketing), in RAW format, then they get combined to form an image with a huge tonal range, those photos are all 8-bit that's why the colors are so vivid, these ones are a bit rushed however.

Edited by QuickSilver

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Haha thanks Ryan, thanks ;) I'm sorry its not filled with Centipedes...

Now that you mention it, it does look a bit like denuke... but that's a dark secret past that I don't often revisit :ph34r:

Edited by QuickSilver

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Nice work! I love how the some of the background looks like it's been done as a watercolor (sorta)

(Black skies and bricks look badass in my opinion :))

Thanks :) I like the effects that have come out of them, and loved the bricks, car wasn't too good in the brick walled photo.

I like. Alot. Whats the front kit?

Thanks Antony, front skirt is a Hartge skirt.

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dammm thats looking good!

nice work on the photos!

cant wait to get my new camera...

im just starting out but leaning the nikon way atm!

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Nice work Alex. I'm with the Spargo - last one pwns.

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Guest Simon*

Mint pics Alex. Nice work

You can tell it's photoshopped because the sky's blue but it's Auckland

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Mint pics Alex. Nice work

You can tell it's photoshopped because the sky's blue but it's Auckland

C'mon Simon, don't be a muppet, it's always blue in Auckland. :D

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Guest Simon*

C'mon Simon, don't be a muppet, it's always blue in Auckland. :D

Haha you muppet! :D Your muppet eyes must have fallen off

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Noice picks bro. How you do that?? Froto Shop?

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