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I might be sticking my neck out here...but here goes

Recently we have had a few problems on our forum

I'm a moderator on the forum in this section only.. and I want to stay here and support and help people

Some of the behaviour and personal attacks have been avoidable and totally unnecessary and are also starting to get out of hand.

The forum must have moderators to ensure stability with our online community.

These moderators have to be equaly fair to other moderators and members alike... NO EXECPTIONS and likewise for members

Questioning a moderator or admin on the forum is unexeptable... Do it by PM or contact the forum owners

Personal attacks regarding a persons car, where they live, the job they do ..etc is totally unnaceptable

If you have a gripe with someone...PM them. Sort it out amicabily

If you dont like their car... keep your mouth shut. I dont like some models...others do. If you attack the type of car a person drives, they will take it as a personal attack.

Keep your comments positive...negativaty just brings the forum down. If you dont like something just shut up.. if you like it, give a positive post. And for god sake, if someone asks for technical help, if you dont know, dont post.

If a person has a E46 enquiry, why post my E30 does that, or my Toyota did that once ????. Its not relative

I will always comment on safety or legal vehicle requirements. I will say " you'd be stupid to that" or "dont do that, its not legal".... not " you stupid f**ktard". You can be constructive without getting personal and most people will listen without taking it personal and causing a sh*t fight.

There are alot of very knowledgable people on here willing to help with advise and technical knowledge. Enjoy the forum for this. Dont bring in negativity and amunition for a sh*t fight.

I'm probably one of the oldest people on this forum. I enjoy it and I enjoy helping people.

I really get pissed of with the shitfights... a little restraint before you hit the keyboard would be beneficial to everyone.

Lets enjoy what we have here and remove any anomosity that might prevail. If opoligies are necessary anywhere, do it, and lets get on with enjoying our freindship with people and our enthusiasm for BMW's.

I totally support all admins decissions on here whether some may like it or not. The admin and moderators here are here for our benefit. And their decissions are final. End of story.

Lets get on with it and enjoy :)

End of rant

Regards to everyone


PS excuse some of my spelling

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Thirded!! Trouble is this is a PUBLIC forum, the more people, the more interaction leads to people being RUBBED the wrong way.


Another old guy!

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I'm gettin a cruiser bike tomorrow B) and recently been using KiwiBiker Forums...found pretty much anything goes there.

So keep an open mind to the Noobies, who may not be used to Bimmersport's strict rules.

Peace out, and keep it real y'all!

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I don't think a lot of people realise how important your support is Glenn, It would be just as easy for you to say; bring it into the shop, but instead day in day out we are given invaluable advice. And from someone who doesn't live in Auckland, or even close to a BMW specialist, it is much appreciated.

To see threads ruined by playground bickering is getting all to common.

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Totally agree with the thoughts Glenn. :)

Being a relative noob to Bimmers I've found the help and advice I have received from moderators and other members of this forum to be invaluable. I hate to think that these guys would pack it in because they get sick of putting out other peoples' flame wars and dealing with other BS.

Keep it clean, on topic, and these forums will be a great place to be.



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What a muppet. ;)

Seriously though, I agree. Let's all have fun kids.

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As of today ...like 1 minute ago

We had 3,168 members. Lets keep it up and stick to positivity. I'd like this thread to continue to 15 pages for support towards our friends, enthusiasm for BMW's and most of all comradery. We all all have alot to gain from the passion that we have here. Lets just keep it all NICE

Edit: Spelling please :P

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Guest Simon*

What a muppet. ;)

Seriously though, I agree. Let's all have fun kids.

Cheers Mark

Perhaps I should add the proviso that good natured piss taking is ok ;)

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Cheers Mark

Perhaps I should add the proviso that good natured piss taking is ok ;)

sh*t yes

But please keep on topic....or I'll hang one on ya :D

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Fully agree Glenn.

It is a great thing when everyone gets on with each other and can have a joke without getting serious and personal with each other.

And yes JJames, don't let this forum turn into KiwiBiker.

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I agree, good job moderators, possibly move this to General Discussion as this goes for all subforums etc?

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Phew that was a good rant. ^_^ Glad someone said something a certain post took me aback where everyone including moderators were getting in on it. -_-

Oh well water under the bridge lets enjoy our bimmers. Nice weekend so lets get of the internet and go driving. :D

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Well put Glenn - fully agree with you - plenty of us on here with experience in different fields of the trade & willing to pass that on. Personal views are called for but lets keep things positive :)

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