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Right NOW is the time to BUY or TRADE

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Not sure if you all have watched the currency markets but the Yen is now at 52c yesterday compared to 84c 2 months ago. To most this doesn't really matter but if you import cars ex Japan like me as a hobby, it means the cars that are about to land here are going to be expensive.

Example ... 2 months ago a Y1,500,000 car would have landed here on the road for $NZ 23,700. 8 weeks later that same car costing Y1,500,000 will land here on the road for $36,200.

As it takes about 7 weeks for cars to get to our shores, you are going to see some serious carnage out there as new stock will be a lot dearer than what is in NZ at the moment. Clever dealers will increase the ticket price now on their older stock but it is likely that dealers with old stock will appear to have bargain prices when the more expensive cars hit these shores.

I would really hate to be a car dealer in these times. My best advise is that if you are thinking of updating or trading your ride, it will only get more expensive till the $NZ increases in value and the experts are saying not likely for next 6 to 12 months.

Just thought I would share my 2c worth :)

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interesting note, but i dont think a lot of people are buying or selling much in this climate.

we're on shaky ground and doesn't help that the nz economy is tiny.

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I'm looking at buying...

RVT... do you just bring cars in for yourself, or do you bring them in to sell on?

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Very sensible observation! Of course I would assume NZ New cars would not be affected? Or would prices increase to mirror their Jap equivilants?

Edited by Eddy

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I'm looking at buying...

RVT... do you just bring cars in for yourself, or do you bring them in to sell on?

I bring them in for my own use then normally on sell after about 6 to 12 months use. Have done about 12 units over the past years and have quietly imported mostly BMWs from Z3, Z4, e39, e46 and now the beast. For the wife it has been Audis mostly from A4 to Allroads. I have been thinking about a 911 as a weekend toy for my next car but now with exchange rate "crisis", the price is cheaper on Trademe which is VERY unusal. While the $ is screwed, I am stopping importing for a while.

I have also mentored about 10 other people thru the process of their first import - usual fee is a dozen Heinies :)

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Very sensible observation! Of course I would assume NZ New cars would not be affected? Or would prices increase to mirror their Jap equivilants?

Well that is the unknown. I know Toyota is changing from discounting for fleets etc to practically sell at list over the next few weeks. They are saying it is because Toyotas are that good they don't need to discount but I believe it is to counter the Yen drop.

The BMWs are in Euros and that has dropped only 10% over the period from .50 to .44. One would assume the new prices will increase accordingly. There is always the arguement that Jap cars are better speced than the NZ new cars and the purists out there have a thing about Jap cars.

I think that the NZ new and Jap BMWs will probably become closer priced than currently out there. It will be a demand / supply equation and if everyone buys up the NZ new ones, then the price should increase.

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also dont forget that from december 30th new emission laws will come in to effect and no car under 2002 will be able get compliance here on the road, which is going to push the price up aswell

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Very good point...

I think with the dealers putting up their prices now will end up shooting themselves in the foot further seing sales of cars is down in NZ with this global credit crunch, people seem to be dynabolting their wallets shut.

One thing they said on the news the other night was that it will perhaps seperate the men from the boys with the car yards, which can have it's bad and good points.

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Guest SamSpargo

Sooo, an E39 M5 bought in the next say, 12 weeks would cost roughly how much landed?

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Guest Simon*

Sooo, an E39 M5 bought in the next say, 12 weeks would cost roughly how much landed?

+1 please?

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Sooo, an E39 M5 bought in the next say, 12 weeks would cost roughly how much landed?

Haven't followed the E39 M5. Checked online but only 4 for auction and they are all E60 M5s. Will update this thread when an E39 turns up.

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You guys have missed the boat havent you? The dollar has fallen through the floor meaning its already more expensive to buy the car initially.

I was looking at e39 M5's about a year ago and didnt find a single one that was RHD. I doubt I have the amount contacts as others on here as I was only looking but there werent very many.

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That 330i has been on for months, so he must be getting desperate for a $1 reserve. I see one of the repo cars 330is has just been offered for 14.5k....they are certainly coming down in price.

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e 39s M5 are about mid thirties(start) at the mo on trademe.....However this would be the one car that i would be even more insistent than usual for a service history.

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