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Police speed?

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Are they allowed to speed without lights or sirens?

I ask because while driving back from Cambridge to Auckland me and another fella were following a cop car doing 120~130 from Meremere to the Drury exit.

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Are they allowed to speed without lights or sirens?

I ask because while driving back from Cambridge to Auckland me and another fella were following a cop car doing 120~130 from Meremere to the Drury exit.

Watch out, they'll point the laser gun out the back window at you and give you a ticket!

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Watch out, they'll point the laser gun out the back window at you and give you a ticket!

I'm not that dumb lol, I was one car behind xD haha

Wouldn't that be entrapment anyway?

Edited by jordy

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If it was all right for our last Prime Minister to speed just to get to a test match, then why shouldn't our police speed too.

Mind you it was probably traing for driving in high speed pursuits.

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If it was all right for our last Prime Minister to speed just to get to a test match, then why shouldn't our police speed too.

Mind you it was probably traing for driving in high speed pursuits.

Could be but i doubt it

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Could hav been a off duty cop returning, i hav follow several "undercover police cars back from hamilton and rotorua and sumtimes they have been doing sum deciant speeds. i was following one (at a distance and he reached speeds exeding 140, bt hey their only human, we all brake the law sumtimes!!

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Im not trying to be funny, but 'text' speak just does my head in and its not necessary.

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My understanding is the police have no authority to speed under any circumstances not even with lights and siren.

However they can use as a defence of being on urgent police business which must be with lights and siren. speeding on return does not qualify.

The established limit at which the defence is no longer valid is 130kmh on the open road or 80kmh in a 50 k area.

The reality is , the majority of them exceed the legal speed limit and frequently exceed the dicretionary defence limit with no cause to do so. and yes you can get them ticketed.

Same applies to all emergency services except where trucks like fire engines are invilved in which ase the maximum speed is 90kmh

Got a mate in the fire service he said this:

Standard policy is that Ambulance and Fire vehicles are allowed to drive up to 30kph in excess of the posted speed limit, provided they are heading to a priority job via the comms centre, and they are operating warning devices (lights and/or sirens).

This applies to any standard posted speed limit, however where temporary speed limits are imposed (i.e. road works etc) ambulance/fire vehicles must obey the posted speed limit.

Police I believe are essentially under the same or similar policy, however in the event of pursuit they are allowed to exceed that as required provided there is no danger to person or property and they remain in constant contact with the comms centre

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provided there is no danger to person or property

My g/f is an ambo, and Dad was for 16 years.

Same applies to running reds - they are allowed with lights and siren, but if they hit someone (or someone hits them) they are in the wrong and will be prosecuted. I'd say similar would happen with the speeding.

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Been a while since Ive said this and I'm not sure if its allowed on the forum but when the cats away the mice will play... "Hate traffic cops, they are the scum of the earth, out to make a days pay by robbing some other poor bitch that gets up early to go to work" Some of you will know what i'm talking about <_<

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Been a while since Ive said this and I'm not sure if its allowed on the forum but when the cats away the mice will play... "Hate traffic cops, they are the scum of the earth, out to make a days pay by robbing some other poor bitch that gets up early to go to work" Some of you will know what i'm talking about <_<

*yawn*....you do the crime, you do the time.....end of.

I really dont see the point of this post at all.

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*yawn*....you do the crime, you do the time.....end of.

I really dont see the point of this post at all.

Obviously your not someone who knows what I'm talking about, there was no crime.

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Well if its not common knowledge and you want to keep it that why then keep it to yourself. This is a simple thread about whether the police can smoke in cars and you drag into the usual police slagging thread.

Either put up or shut up.

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Is all the power going to your head or what? Or are yo an ex cop?

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Sorry im going to have to agree with 'penry i dont think that the Police in general should be slaggd or degraded in any way. most of the N.Z Police are good people who do their job extreamly well and often put their own lives at risk to "serve and protect" but as like any occupation and people there are a few who arent as well behaved and that are on a power-trip and make it their mission to hassel and prossecute any 'boy-racer'/ car enthusiest. and yess i personaly have and still am harassed by them every week.

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Is all the power going to your head or what? Or are yo an ex cop?

Nope, just fed up with listening to your inane drivel. If your not bitching about the police its the maori, if its not the maori its the islanders, if its not the islanders its the unemployed, if its not the unemployed its stay at home mothers.

If you want to let us all in on your little 'secret' then out with it....otherwise keep the degrading comments to yourself.

Thats my last comment on it, if you want to take it further PM me or one of the other mods.

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Your shits really getting tired Shelley.

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If you all want to know what happened this morning, some may know as we met when I did the graphics on a race car. I got pulled up 100m down the road from my house, I was clocked doing 65km in a 70km zone, and ticketed $120, they stated its a 50km/hr zone and 400m up the hill were lolliepops with 50km on them, I drove up the hill and around the corner to see brand new lolliepops with 50 on them, came back and argued with the police that they have just been erected and that residents had not been informed and how dare they sit at the bottom of the hill pinging residents on there way to work. Very arrogant of them.

I'm talking about traffic cops here, I'm not bagging all cops!

How am I suppose to know that the speed limit has changed to 50km if the new signs apparently erected the week before are up the hill not down the hill as you drive up it!!! Dumb f**ks.

Edited by M325is

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Similar thing happened to me in town.

Anybody know Queen Street is a 30KM road now?? Neither did i, and the only lollipop i could find is on Victoria street...

So, just in case any of you drive at the reqular 50km limit throughout the city..


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Are they allowed to speed without lights or sirens?

I ask because while driving back from Cambridge to Auckland me and another fella were following a cop car doing 120~130 from Meremere to the Drury exit.

I'd have been stoked with that. Nice quick trip and no speeding tax.


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I'd have been stoked with that. Nice quick trip and no speeding tax.


I was, got home a good 15 mins earlier xD

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