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My turn for a Thank You

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Have just finished my 2.5 conversion on the E30 and there would be NO WAY I would have been able to do it without the help of a few people.

Quicksilver- Alex : Thanks HEAPS for the great knowledge on the f/l motor conversion, unfortunatly I did not end up doing it but none the less you were a BIG help in figuring out all the bits I need.

323e30- Mike: Wouldn't have happened at all without you providing the Motor,Gbox and labour in getting the motor dropped in and wired up.And for providing sexy girls to look at throughout the process. Also big chur to (other) Mike for doing the gbox and driveshaft and helping me smoke a lot of cigarettes.

Glenn at Botany Motor Worx: Thanks for putting up with my irratating phone calls asking stupid questions at stupid times of the day. and FYI the 320i radiator does work,BUT, had to swap all the radiator hoses from the 2 litre onto the 2.5.

Ray at HELLBM : Cheers for lending me the AFM and (again) putting up with irratating phone calls asking really dumb sh*t,as said before- really good service.

Ernst and the boys at Bavarian Motors: Cheers for getting it running properly after it was all in and tuning it and pointing out/fixing all the rangi bits that I had done! Again,very good knowledge and service.

MOPS- Mathew: Cheers for coming round and lending me your ECU and having a gawk.

Mum and Dad: For putting up with my sh*t

My Girlfriend and her mum for putting up with my sh*t.


Edited by Indecorous

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haha nice work Ashkan!

i think i needa follow you down the 2.5 road!

hmm one day one day

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The difference is actually quite big. Didn't really think it would be much different!

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320 vs 325 is no comparison - 320's are poo.

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The difference is actually quite big. Didn't really think it would be much different!

Good sh*t, same time as me.. only took Lance one day though :ph34r:

The Difference in mid range is huge, the 2.0l really is pointless, drinks the same amount of gas but doesn’t go anywhere.

And do a skid x2.

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You have to give me a drive!!

I always wanted to know what a 2.5 would be like :)

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