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car alarms for bmw

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in all serious tho, why would you want the feature? its gay

WTF??? That's a way cool feature, when I hook that up to my RC with built in James Bond mini TV, I can drive my car around from the back seat and scare teh sh*t out of people, or even better yet, I can drive while my missus is riding me like show pony :pimp:

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WTF??? That's a way cool feature, when I hook that up to my RC with built in James Bond mini TV, I can drive my car around from the back seat and scare teh sh*t out of people, or even better yet, I can drive while my missus is riding me like show pony :pimp:

yeah but...na. its still gay! :lol:

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In the mean time - pop down to dicky smith and pick up a six dollar flashing alarm diode thingee. It the same little flashing thing as a alarm, but no alarm :D

Sounds stupid - but it IS a deterant when you see it.

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Sounds stupid - but it IS a deterant when you see it.

Speaking from experience???

You can put remote start in yourself, but it may not be warrantable if you do - not sure.

Qualified/certified installers are not allowed to install them or they will lose their license, so most don't. Only applies to manuals which as said above will lurch and may injure someone if tried to start whilst in gear.

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OK, this is a serious question.

Why on earth would anyone want remote starting? I can't think of one decent reason for it. Why would you need to start your car if you are not already sitting inside it?


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Warm your car up before leaving the house - you caould set the heater on the night before and have it defog windows (if u park outside) and warm the interior?

Also, to frighten passersby by starting the vehicle from your table at the cafe accross the road? :D

Just a gimmick really. Don't have it, and wouldn't get it

I don't like to idle my car for too long anyway because as we all know most engine wear is caused at idle when its cold.

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because we are slowly turning into lazy bastards and anything that can be automated will greatly increase our coolness factor when were all to fat and lazy to get off the couch... just send the car down to the drive through...

(By "we" I mean our society)

to quote a friend on this same topic "if you want an alarm get an alarm if you want a gimmick to play with put your hand in your pants"

my 2c

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as i was thinking. warm the car up alittle before hand so it wont be dead cold when you start driving it.

only if you do, own a rotor engined car. Most of them need to be warmed up for at least 10-15min before you drive it or you rish blowing oil and water seals.

plus, its better leaving the car locked and while warming it up, instead of leaving it unlocked and running ready for the m,inute you turn your back so someone can steal it.

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Sounds stupid - but it IS a deterant when you see it.

Speaking from experience???

You can put remote start in yourself, but it may not be warrantable if you do - not sure.

Qualified/certified installers are not allowed to install them or they will lose their license, so most don't. Only applies to manuals which as said above will lurch and may injure someone if tried to start whilst in gear.

Nope - Never used one.

Knew a guy who had/does. His car has NEVER been tampered with.

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