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e36 spotted in chch

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Turbo.. i think.. wondering if anyone knew anything about it? it's blue and it has from what i can gather a wrx bonnet scoop fitted to the standard bonnet.. it looks real rough. and a kinda gold kinda chrome kinda black grille. lives over near edgewear road ( well that's where i always see it parked)

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hahahaha, yea seen that too.

its horrible!

I cringe every time i pass it.

needs alot of paint and even more love

Edited by Wervie67

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yeah i didn't want to say anything just incase gotta be the worst bmw in chch. he stole my park today.. i was waiting for 2 min and was indicating on high st outside cheapskates and the person coming out had to back out infront of me and while that person was coming out he got it.. then him and like 4 of his buddys jumped out all looking rather ruthless so i just kept on going haha.

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Hahah, a workmate said he saw this car and thought I might be interested in it. Sound like I wouldn't be!! :D

He was wondering if the bonnet scoop has a purpose, but by the sounds of things it doesn't.

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i've never really heard it drive.. but i saw a guage in it up where they usualy put them so boost guage... maybe..? but then again if you were going to turbo it.. wouldn't you put a front mount on? seems a bit out of the way to go top mount.. worst bmw i think i've ever seen.. yeah hope he doesn't see this! :wacko:

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Haha. I have a picture of it on my work camera, will try to find it.

Edit: Found.

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Edited by efortysix

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OMG! Are you serious??!!!!

HAhahahAhahahh! :lol:

That can't be the car my workmate was talking about... if it is I'll give him hell!

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Oh no he didn't!

That is just too....shameful.

I would not sit in that car. Hell I wouldn't even stand by it. I'd rather walk that go in that...thing.

I'm sure he gets the hoes.

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whole sh*t I need one of them on my car. I better order a JDM one straight out of Tokyo China overnight freight.

Edited by Mark247

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4 ruthless dudes climbing out of a coupe.. haha no matter how hard you try, you just can't look ruthless geting out of the back of an e36 coupe. I even laugh at my own mates when they have to climb out of my car. ^_^

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that's the car! he got my car park! i went to that exact spot about an hour ago on my way home from riccarton mall to get pics but he must have been out terrorising the city.. or doing some laps of the 4 aves... hahah.

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all it needs is something like this to complete the look

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hahaha that is exactly what it needs jamez. wait there was a 36 in chch with a wing that big.. number plate was something like sik bmw.. or something like that.. but he has taken it off now.

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Yeah, thats definately something i'd never put on any car..... let alone a BMW

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that's the car! he got my car park! i went to that exact spot about an hour ago on my way home from riccarton mall to get pics but he must have been out terrorising the city.. or doing some laps of the 4 aves... hahah.

Haha yeah, I haven't seen it there for a couple of days and I drive past there on the way to work. Something that nice should be kept in the garage anyway :lol:

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Must be Turbo. Plate has been moved off to the drivers side. Extra boost with all that extra cold air...

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hahahaha! what ever that guy is on... i want some!

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