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For $10k

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Skyline, or honda accord euro wagon - almost bought opne before I bought the bimmer.

Also like 190E's or W124 - like a 250.

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As much as I enjoy the Beamer I will be back into Hondas after this love affair is over. They just have way more bang for their buck. The biggest thing is the price of parts and they're relatively simple to work on.

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Hmm, something RWD and manual. Maybe a Silvia, AE86, 190E would be cool also.

I find my car way easier to work on than my mates honda, everything is so spread out and much simpler than the honda.

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s13 silvia k's, or 180sx as long as SR20DET

early evo

turbo mini

r32 GTS-T

Pulsar GTi-R

but i already chose what i would buy for $10k :D

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mmm rwd turbo is the way to go

or rwd fullstop


no need for ya hand break to get sideways


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straight up, bugger all that bullshit, buy a Hilux (like the one on trade me at the moment)

V8 Hilux Surf

Landcruiser with 350 chev

Somthing like these - I saw a green single cab on trademe yesterday but the guy was withdrawing it because it was sold. Either way, a V8 toyota 4 wheel drive would be an awsome way to spend 10g - Ive seen a Landcruiser with a 400 chev in it lighting up all four and crabbing up the road (on mud tyres) - so thats a hell of a lot of bang for buck and ITS DIFFERENT!! its what Id be looking for next - to tow my drifter!

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  Gus said:

s13 silvia k's, or 180sx as long as SR20DET

early evo

****turbo mini****

r32 GTS-T

Pulsar GTi-R

but i already chose what i would buy for $10k :D

turbo mini f**k yeah!

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I would get an old school mini for about 1K and use the rest of the money to recondition and make it a lot faster too ...

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B) Would go for a 95-97 Merc C class. Fine quality add a AMG replica kit. Lower it some, and it would be a classic pimp ride.

They're selling them for (C200) about 5,000$ NZ, at the auctions over here. Go through a broker. I see E39 BMWs for about 12k nz$, that'll be a cool ride to work on, though the odometer would be a bit high. Over 50,000km.


Edited by hamiltonjapan

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Why not an MX5. Good cars, cheap and low tech.

Am I expected to use this as my main car, or is it a toy?

A worked up Hillman Imp or a Mini make good club cars too.

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  m325i said:

Trust me you dont want a 190E. They are PIGS!

I should have clarified - either a 190E 2.6 AMG or 190E 2.3 with the 16-valve cosworth - def not the standard 2L model.

mini truck


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cool huh? - no not mine.


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  aliluya said:

I would get an old school mini for about 1K ...

That's how much my sister paid for this one. She put the stripes on and got the roof painted white.

It is since blown the rings on one of the cylinders, and runs on three because the plug carbons up. Sounds like a rotary, or a really, really lumpy cam. gutless, but sounds very cool.


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a nice rs leagacy

GTi-R pulsar

porsche 944

Toyota Hilux

Golf GTI

i'd consider an MX5 if it were black and had an awesome kit and strut braces.

toyata levin bzg, or FX-GT carolla

any of the above.

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f**k getting a car, i already got one, id use it for better things, i mean thats a few drinks / pills / nos, and a f**k load of $2 hookers, then some cash left over for the std clinic check-up and and topical cream.

i love my idea

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  m325i said:

Hmm, i like them, but i have a penis.

and obviously dont enjoy driving properly

they fun as

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