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Retro styles Black Caps

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Did anyone see this match???

The black caps donned the outrageously cool retro uniform and some of the guys had massive mo's and fuzz's


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He's a walking microphone. The facial hair was magic. Was a really good match even though we lost. Will deffinately be watching the tour.

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Guest Spargo

As a supporting member of the beige brigade, we had alot of fun at the game. Anyone see me? Was good to get back into the beige lid and slides for the first time this season.

Some news with regards to the nite:

Moustache & Perm Challenge Results Unleashed

18 February 2005

The votes have been tallied, and the decisions are now final.


The Hadlee Moustache & Perm Competition Winner

Chris Cairns (Lancaster Park-Woolston)

The overall shape of his mo' was unquestionable. Little twists on the end of the mo' complemented the grizzly sideburns in a wonderful way.

52 dozen Lion Brown will be delivered to his club in the next few weeks

The Richard Simmons 'Big Hair' Winner

Hamish Marshall (Kaipara Flats)

This was special - something very special. Even though this was a moustache competition his appearance as the human microphone stole the show.

26 dozen Lion Brown will be delivered to his club in the next few weeks

Check out a great photo of the winners on Cricinfo


Daniel Vettori (Star-Varsity) AKA The Italian Yeti

15 dozen Lion Brown

Mathew Sinclair (no club - delivery to be made to Central Districts Cricket Assn)

Who developed a dirty handlebar moustache

15 dozen Lion Brown

Stephen Fleming (Eastern Suburbs)

Who had on display the perfect example of the"fat slug" moustache

15 dozen of Lion Brown


Kyle Mills (Howick Pakuranga)

The overall look was wonderful, open shirt, raggy hair and the Freddy Mercury pencil mo'

12 dozen Lion Brown

Andre Adams (Takapuna)

Good use of the sweatband (a la Malcolm Marshall) and good gowth - but a little patchy.

12 dozen Lion Brown

Jeff Wilson (Appleby)

The blonde transparent mo' was innovative.

12 dozen Lion Brown

Craig McMillan (Shirley)

Looked absolutely awful - brilliant effort in terms of overall coverage of the face

12 dozen Lion Brown

Brendan McCullum (Old Boys Collegians)

After a strong start earlier in the week, he shaved and only turned up with 5 o'clock shadow

12 dozen Lion Brown


Michael Kasprowicz (University of Queensland)

Our new favourite Australian cricketer after Boof was axed, terrific effort to clone Dennis Lillee

Jason Gillespie (Adelaide)

Didn't do anything special for the event but still a contender


Nathan Astle (Shirley)

Disappointed to see that he had a better mo' at the domestic matches than last night

Scott Styris (Morrinsville)

Had to shave for TV appearance last week, but clearly a man built for radio

Daryl Tuffey (Weymouth)

No effort

Lou Vincent (Takapuna)

Having no facial hair to grow is not an excuse

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Guest Spargo

FYI: don't buy your beige gear from Farmers. It's not authentic.

You can only buy it from www.beigebrigade.co.nz and www.cricketexpress.co.nz (4 stores nationwide!)

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