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If in doubt, angle grind it

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Well I had a couple of cutting disks just sitting there and while looking at the e30 I thought Ive always kind of fancied having a ute.. So i set to work, 15 minutes later I had the roof off and the top part of the door, unfortunately I didnt have enough disks to completely cut out the back of the rear seat (its barely held in but my disk exploded).

The new ute didnt look quite right sitting there without wheels so on went some 17's, a perfect amount of camber later and here is the result!


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Well I had a couple of cutting disks just sitting there and while looking at the e30 I thought Ive always kind of fancied having a ute.. So i set to work, 15 minutes later I had the roof off and the top part of the door, unfortunately I didnt have enough disks to completely cut out the back of the rear seat (its barely held in but my disk exploded).

The new ute didnt look quite right sitting there without wheels so on went some 17's, a perfect amount of camber later and here is the result!

Finish it up real nice, just for the lolz. :D:P

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Well I had a couple of cutting disks just sitting there and while looking at the e30 I thought Ive always kind of fancied having a ute.. So i set to work, 15 minutes later I had the roof off and the top part of the door, unfortunately I didnt have enough disks to completely cut out the back of the rear seat (its barely held in but my disk exploded).

The new ute didnt look quite right sitting there without wheels so on went some 17's, a perfect amount of camber later and here is the result!


That's classic!

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nice to see one agian. almost started building one myself. fab was going to be interesting an above my skill level so i left it alone

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Reminds me - This one year the Metalwork teacher thought it'd be a good idea to turn a beat up '83 corolla into a ute for the caretaker.

He let some mongs go to work on it with grinders, some plywood and a bit of gorilla grip. They predictably did a rubbish job. I don't think the teacher considered the limitations of a 1000kg FWD car's rear springs with regards to carrying loads. 1 cinder block in the tray had it almost pulling wheelies.

Straight pipes made the 1300 sound a little more lively though.

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did you notice how much the car sagged when you did this? i did this on my 316i as well, it sagged so much i decided to cut the car in half and turn it into a trailer. had it 90% finished just needed an A frame put on the front of it, but got kicked out of home so the scrapman had to come take it when i moved. even had the mtech2 kit and hartge wheels for it to match the E30 :(

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I'd buy one :)

Willing to let this go at a discount price, remember its worth more due to the fact its the prototype for my limited run of these,

rear windows still work?

yup sure do, wound them down before cutting the door

did you notice how much the car sagged when you did this?

didnt pay attention was having too much fun with the grinder, if i give it a serious go on a a real one i'l weld some support bars etc in first before cutting anything and actually plan it instead of picking up the grinder lol!

to be honest im stoked at how good it looks aye makes me want to get straight onto building one!

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