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E36 M3 Targa Car Build

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I'm interested in one of these too, for my track M3 build.

I'm missing the standard plastic front lip (as you spotted the other day Dave) and wondering if you have to have the standard lip in place for ofor this to fit?

It's one of the reasons I'm looking at an aftermarket splitter, as an alternative to OEM lip.

Also when they say 'should be used with rear wing', i take it they mean larger wing than the stock E36 M3 wing or is the oem wing ok?

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I can't make head nor tails of those photos but I accept what you're saying nevertheless! :)

Focus in the sway bar height on both photos.

My custom plate goes over it, whereas the splitter is moreso underneath it (assuming its length was longer/continued).

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Ok thanks for the advice, yes it looks like lip needed to fill that space.

Basic aero is on my list so looking at options though I've got quite a few other things I can/should to do first.

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Couldn't help myself, purchased one of these.

Genuine BMW product so keeps with my keep it authentic theme, not to mention proven aero and quality




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Just picked the M3 up from Gavin at Hi Velocity after a custom tune.

In short, the chip i purchased from the UK is confirmed as absolute rubbish, see prior posts on this thread for what NOT to buy.

Its now tuned for an endurance (reliability) level and pulls 252.5WHP (188WKW) on gavins dyno.

This looks respectable for what is a stock motor with exhaust only.

Will take it back to torques dyno at some stage so we get a before and after on the same dyno, will wait for a cheapo club day.


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Soo, uhhhh, where did you find said splitter? German eBay?

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Soo, uhhhh, where did you find said splitter? German eBay?

Core splitter from BMW nz(due to size), brackets from Ecs tuning(freight friendly).

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I'm surprised they still have them in stock. How many wingwangs was what worth?

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Long time no update. Been working hard, but now prepping for targa 2016.

After my 'make it lighter project' with:

> Alu door

> Remove air cond and emissions pump

> Glass bonnet and boot

> After market boot spoiler

> Plastic windows in rear half of car

Just weighed it today on the local refuge station weigh bridge (same place as my last weigh in check).

Now 1390kg with me in it (77kg) tools, spare tyre, full tank of gas. Everything except a nav.

This is down from the prior weight of 1500kg, so thats a 110kg saving. Happy with that.

Still have ABS pump to remove, 10kg?.

Flipside, still have my OEM front splitter to add, so +6kg for that... Heavy...

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why do you want to remove the ABS

Is it just for weight

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why do you want to remove the ABS

Is it just for weight

ABS is a death sentence at speed on unsealed roads. You need the brakes to lock so the tyres clear a path and dig down to something they can hold on to.

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Re abs removal

It's because the e36 abs gets a symptom call 'ice mode' unexpectedly during exteme driving. This causes material brake fade and with race speeds often crashes. I know one targa car who went off with it and a reputable BMW driver who put his car off the track with it. As a result, for consistent braking, it's been disabled since the car was built and will be removed soon for weight saving.

If the car was a e46, or other, I would defiantly leave it on or have it on a switch. Just the way it is.

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Updated the rally computer to a G200 Monit and added a max speed light.

We'll set this to 195kph to help avoid speed penalities (measured by independant / targa GPS in the car)


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Re abs removal

It's because the e36 abs gets a symptom call 'ice mode' unexpectedly during exteme driving. This causes material brake fade and with race speeds often crashes. I know one targa car who went off with it and a reputable BMW driver who put his car off the track with it. As a result, for consistent braking, it's been disabled since the car was built and will be removed soon for weight saving.

If the car was a e46, or other, I would defiantly leave it on or have it on a switch. Just the way it is.

Does this happen to all E36s? Is it only under long term hard use or could happen any time during track use?

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Does this happen to all E36s? Is it only under long term hard use or could happen any time during track use?

My understanding is any e36. Only under extreme conditions. Its rare to occur, but if it occurs where you have no wiggle room, you're in big trouble.

I've had one race driver tell me about it and claim his accident upon it, and another very experienced BMW mechanic/driver explain a similar experience.

Maybe its an urban mith, but i suspect not.

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Whether ice mode exists or not, ABS is undesirable for any surface than can move (gravel, ice etc). ABS requires a fixed surface to work, it will increase your braking distance on a loose surface.

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Whether ice mode exists or not, ABS is undesirable for any surface than can move (gravel, ice etc). ABS requires a fixed surface to work, it will increase your braking distance on a loose surface.

Yea that sh*t's scary as when it comes on over a gravel road!

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Yea that sh*t's scary as when it comes on over a gravel road!

Which is why it saddens me that new drivers now are just taught to mash the middle peddle and rely on ABS... modulation is no longer taught. Driving standards are falling because we're apparently no longer teaching how to drive under all circumstances (if we ever were). My friend's daughter's driving instructor insisted she left the traction control on during every lesson. In a 120 hp car... :-/

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Some waterproof plugs for the vents for when not in use

Ps. For professional plastic Windows etc, I cannot rate plastic construction in Avondale highly enough.


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Which is why it saddens me that new drivers now are just taught to mash the middle peddle and rely on ABS... modulation is no longer taught. Driving standards are falling because we're apparently no longer teaching how to drive under all circumstances (if we ever were). My friend's daughter's driving instructor insisted she left the traction control on during every lesson. In a 120 hp car... :-/

on the contrary -

My flatmate just went to a driver training day at pukekohe with his work.

In the emergency braking exercise half the punters gently applied the brake pedal, failed to engage ABS and consequently sailed through the cones at warp speed. Amazing.

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Finally got the genuine BMW motorsport front splitter on



Very integrated fitment with the sump guard, allows the slitter to slide back and forth under it


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Hope you didn't pay OEM prices for the hardware!!

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Finally got the genuine BMW motorsport front splitter on



Noel that was quick ! You were still needing the mounting panel when we spoke yesterday morning.. Looks very good.

The Inglewood yump landings or the Whangamomona rail crossings could test it :)

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Hope you didn't pay OEM prices for the hardware!!

Got most of it from the USA (much much cheaper), but still cost a few bucks.

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That's going to get destroyed fairly quickly on rally stages! Aren't those splitters really hard to come by?? Why not run a replica and keep the genuine??

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