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Bel radar detector

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Hi, can some please help me with how I can check a serial number of a bell Sti magnum to ensure its legit?

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Can't help but why would you bother these days?

Most of the time if you are going to get caught by a speed trap these days, laser will be used.

So when it goes off it is already too late isn't it? The only thing to combat laser is active jammers. Which are illegal.

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some radar detectors have the ability to pick up laser .. ? if you've ever operated a laser speed detector, it can take a few tries to get a decent return reflection unless aimed directly perfect the first time at a proper facet to reflect the laser output in the correct direction to gain an accurate dopler shift readout.

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They are very useful! I have a V1 at the mo and although I don't use it around town as in my view you should not be speeding around people. But it's great for radar (ka) band which is what the cops use in their cars. Laser is only on the side of he roads and is used mostly on motorways etc. Not at night on a back road heading south.

Can't help but why would you bother these days?

Most of the time if you are going to get caught by a speed trap these days, laser will be used.

So when it goes off it is already too late isn't it? The only thing to combat laser is active jammers. Which are illegal.

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some radar detectors have the ability to pick up laser .. ? if you've ever operated a laser speed detector, it can take a few tries to get a decent return reflection unless aimed directly perfect the first time at a proper facet to reflect the laser output in the correct direction to gain an accurate dopler shift readout.

um...do what

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um...do what

The way laser detection works is by firing many pulses of laser at 905nm wavelength and timing the return reflection of the beam. Usually they aim for the plates to get a good return. Since they fire so many laser bursts, scatter from the hits which reflect in different directions (not back to the police laser gun) this allows laser detectors to catch the signals from further away.

Most police are trained to aim at the plates, and also headlamps. A simple way to decrease your chances of being pinged is to angle your plate mount so that it would reflect the signal up away from the receiver. You can test this using a laser pointer on your plate. Most plates are coated with a special reflective covering which helps the laser to bounce nicely.. there are specific coatings you can apply to absorb 905nm wavelength beams but they are illegal if found to be used.

Doppler is mostly related to radar guns sorry for the slight misinformation. In theory Doppler refers to the change in wavelength due to the movement of the object. And thus the speed is calculated by the change in frequency of the return signal.

Laser or LiDAR works in a similar way but not exactly Doppler. Over 1000bursts are fired per second and the laser calculates time of travel between the laser fired and laser returned to give a speed calculation. The wavelength is not altered but the timing of the send and receive signals are used and averaged over the thousands of bursts to calculate your speed.

Hope this makes sense!!

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I have an idea, how about just sticking to the speed limit?

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I have an idea, how about just sticking to the speed limit?

Yes in a perfect world

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I have an idea, how about just sticking to the speed limit?

That's for the no fun loving conformists. I don't speed around town but off the main highways I am known to exceed it time to time. And then there's those great back roads around here...

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Sometimes, on a Saturday. I`ll go for a drive up through North Canterbury and end up somewhere for a coffee.Then I come home.

On occasions...I have exceeded 100 km`s an hour. Try ChCh - Oxford - Loburn- Ashley - Rangiora - ChCh.

Home with a smile on the dial...

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The moments when I exceed the speed limit are as follows

when you are following directly behind a driver who speeds up to 110kmh on straights and yet slows to 80kmh every blind corner or any area where you can't overtake.

when you are behind several cars who will not take the chance to overtake when they are capable of doing so, but do not because they don't have the power or acceleration or balls. Therefore to pass them all, you need a much longer clear passing straight to pass several cars.

usually only open road driving. not pulling 100+kmh on city roads.

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I drive a lot, used to have a beltronics detector, but its been so long since i exceeded 110kph it was worthless to me.

I found my beltronics, which was an RX65 model (worth a lot a couple of years ago) wasnt as good as a V1 at the time. Kept getting false detections, even with the bands tweaked.

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