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In-ear headphones for around $120

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I listen to quite a bit of music at work, and I've been using a pair of Audio Technica ATH-M50 headphones with a portable amp. It has good sounds but it's a bit ostentatious and earphones are probably more suited for the office. I recently bought a pair of House of Marley Smile Jamaica earphones (around $40) but they simply don't cut it, good bass but mids and highs are muffled. Decided to raise the budget - any recommendations for good earphones around $120?

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They are over budget, but get Sennheiser or Bose.

Some people can deal with cheap quality stuff and not know the difference, but you sound like you do, and you deserve quality. Might be a wee bit over your $120, $180 will be about right.

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What Andy said^ - many of the Sennheisers are very good. I'm a bit of an audiophile so I'm realllly picky with headphones, earphones etc. I've not tried Bose earphones before but I've owned their around-ear noise cancelling headphones (QC2) which were excellent. I'd say stick to Sennheiser or Bose with that budget, might need to stretch it slightly as Andy mentioned.

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head over to head fi, also do you mind portable foldable on ear phones? I found them to be better alternative then in ear ones. I have heard some AKG ones and they are very nice. I wouldn't touch bose.

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Try monster Lil Jamz

I love them, bought them from duty free a year ago for $120

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Earphones are always a bit of an unknown cos you can't test them in stores. I would like to go with the the likes of Sennheiser and Bose, but I have never tried their in-ears and I have a feeling that they probably won't be as good value for money compared to lesser known standouts. I prefer the in-ears, the ones that have a rubber bud going all the way into the ear, as they could isolate outside noise and give you better sound without going loud.

Took the advice above and did some reading on Head-Fi... picked out some potential earphones-

Shure SE215

Klipsch Image S4 II

Final Audio Design Heaven II

Grado iGi

Sennheiser CX300 II

Anyone has experience with the above? I will go check out the Monster Lil Jamz at JB Hi-Fi on Thursday

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I have some CX300-II's and really like them.

There are some AKG's for around that mark.

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Shure and Grado options are delicious, had them on so often that I felt naked without,

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I can +1 for shure. Just got to get used to the slightly non standard ear placement

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