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School Photos

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Check this site out - its a bit of a laugh, aparently its got a pic of every single person who ever went to a school - anywhere!

School Photos

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damn, i want my 5 minutes back... haah

Maybe the pic wasnt so far from the truth if it took you 5 mins to get to the pics....


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that rates really high on my SUCKS ASS meter..

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well the truth herts buddy

wow ur amazing..

i love you.

so witty, i actually fell off my chair when you NAILED me.. more noteably the "herts" part, with the ill spelled "hurts", i mean thats pure genius

congrats your a star.

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lol you win dude :lol: Seriously this guy is king

"Know your role." - The Rock

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Didnt know I had so much hair in high school!! :wub:

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