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dam f**ken cops

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Last night we started fixing up our front lawn of our house,eg, removed all the grass and about 150mm of dirt getting it ready for a big load of stones to go on top tonight.

so i moved this unregd,unwof nissan bluebird i own onto the road so we could get the digger and the truck up the drive.

left the car the over night and came out this morning to see 3x bloody tickets on it! :drugs: $440 dollars worth.

This a**hole :rambo: cop :finger: just came into work and told me all about it.

The car was only going to be out there today because of the stones and the giant digger up the dam drive! should i write in to them ? i can take photos for proof

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oh i will ;) i just dont understand cops some times, i mean if he looked across the road he would see a massive digger up the drive? lol oh well

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just remeber when your house gets broken into and all your sh*t gets stolen.

take the power back.

plus find out who dobbed you in and go smash their windows or put cat sh*t in their letterbox.

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un reg'd?? or on hold. if unreg'd deny ownership maybe? Long shot as you're prob last reg'd owner and your address is adjacent where it was ticketed but you may be able to find some angle.

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Ill give anythin a try to not pay lol, the last thing a want to do is give the government more of my hard earned money

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just remeber when your house gets broken into and all your sh*t gets stolen.

take the power back.

plus find out who dobbed you in and go smash their windows or put cat sh*t in their letterbox.

They will send a taxi for that. And I have a Labrador which does the most horrendous turds if you need some.

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awesome cheers conrod ill keep that in mind lol :thumb:

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That f**king sucks, mate.

Surely you can help the police see some sense??

I suppose that you are in the wrong, legally ... but surely common sense has to come into the equation at some point.

Of course - if you have old Jap cars sitting around on your lawn, I glad you don't live next to me! :lol:

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Of course - if you have old Jap cars sitting around on your lawn, I glad you don't live next to me

It dont sound as bad as i made it sound lol, it was garaged but we smashed that down to lol. all getting rebuilt :D

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if its not wof'd and not registered then its illegal for it to be on the road. Simple as that unfortunately.

Edited by E30stz

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Find who dobbed you in, my neighbour dobbed my car in once. I blocked my flatmate in so he moved it and parked it facing the wrong way on the street and I got ticketed for incorrect parking...in a residential street!!!

Paid the $40 and got my flatmate to buy me a dozen.

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just write in mate, send pictures. tell them you had no oher option and if they dont remove the fines you will take it to the media.


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This reminds me of a situation I was in about 5 years ago. I had a 'private car' which I kept at home, and used a work ( my company van ) van to and from work, which is loaded with about 10K work of diag equipment and tools. Needless to say, this was kept in the lock up garage, and the private car was on the street.

At the time I was living in a street with a very narrow road, and this plonker in big 4WD would always park right opposite my car, and between the two not a car and a bike at the same time could pass through. My car was parked there all week besides maybe 4 hours during the whole weekend, week in week out.

I got fed up with this ( purely because I was thinking of others on the road ) so I started to park my car half on / half off the verge. No fire hydrant or anything, and I would mow the city verge every 2 weeks.

The VERY next day, I got a parking ticket for, get this, 'Inconsiderably parking' or a fine to that effect.


I pleeded my case and yes I got off. But Another, then another.... but just printed my saved letter every time. I found ( not hard! ) the coppers name whom had joy in getting his quota, and resorted to leaving a letter on my dash to him, with the replys I had, and clearly asking him to f**k off and bust some one who was breaking the law and bashing up old grannies if he had the balls.

No more tickets, but for some unknown reason I went through about six car door locks that had been screw-drivered. No break ins, just vandalism.

Funny that, eh copper bearch.

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fu#k the system, power to the people

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