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e60 / E61 BMW / Westfalia 1 7/8" tow hitch / gooseneck / donkey-cock - maybe X5 type?

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Hi there,

I've got a "factory" or dealer-fitted tow bar on my e60 - it's got a 50mm ball, but I'm after the slighty smaller 1 7/8" type (approx 47.5mm)

Does anyone happen to have the removable goose-neck part in 1 78/" to fit this type of tow assembly?

I know that there are a few places that can machine the 50mm ball down to the smaller size, but before going down that path I thought I'd check if someone had a complete part in that smaller size so that I can keep my options open (most hire trailers appear to be 1 7/8", but I ideally want to keep the 50mm as an option to haul bigger trailers if needed). Photos attached of my existing set-up

Maybe an e53 or e70 X5 has the same type of bar?





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Hey @paulo - Coombes Johnston BMW in Hamilton should be able to sell you something suitable. I got the same gooseneck style with removable 1' 7/8" + 50mm ball head from them (mine went on an F31 but I sold my old 50mm head to someone who had an E61 so should be similar dimensions). You'll struggle to find a 1'7/8" head in this Euro style unless you machine it yourself as we're the only country who use that size

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