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My Car Won't Stop HONKING

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My E39 530i won't stop honking.

From the moment I turn the key, which is as soon as it can, the car will honk continuously.

It initially started as intermittent honking. Once it starts, it wouldn't stop until I press the honk.

I took off the airbag to see if I can see anything strange underneath, but my untrained eyes didn't catch anything.

Once I put it back, the issue got worse and now it's basically always honking, making the car undrivable.

I was told to remove the immobiliser fuse and see if that continues. I'll do that, but what else can I do while I'm at it to diagnose this issue?







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maybe broken twisted wires in the slip ring

or bent horn plate ? has airbag gone off ever?  original sw? 

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My E46 did this.  One of the screws had backed out and was loose.  It kept making contact and honking the horn.
I had to take the wheel apart to find it.

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To my knowledge the airbag has never gone off.

The steering wheel does have some upholstery imperfections and honestly it looks like someone didn't do a great job rewrapping it.

No clue why it had to come off in the first place.




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Yeah you can get those wraps off Aliexpress for about $15.  But you don't need to take the wheel apart to do so.  Shouldn't have an effect.

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