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Mechanic / Warranty / Fight

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Check this out.

Take car to the mechanic as it was running poor. Missing, almost stalling etc. (My guess = HT leads)

"Its your AFM," says mechanic. "But the warranty people want to use a reco part not a new one, and they are suppling it"

Well thats kinda rude, but it has 12 month warranty, so whatever. Just fix it.

Pay my excess of $1xx Pick it up, goes ok.... Hold on.... Its not.

Now its running way too rich. Dirty black smoke when 2nd boosts. 1st is like lag, lag, lag, then MASSIVE smack hit of boost. Very jerky, backfire/spluttery etc. (I attempted an ecu reset at this point. Discon. batt. foot on the break, didnt make any difference?)

Take it back and they reckon faulty 2nd hand AMF. The Part Supplier checks, and returns same unit confirming its OK.

They reinstall, clear ECU, diagnostic.

Runs 100%. Feels so good.

Now they have a bill for waiting for "$100, reduced from $130 mate, just for time/labour"

What do you do?


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Sell the subby and buy another E30!!!

So im taking it you have an excess on your warranty?

That is legally all you have to pay. Anything over that should be covered in the Warranty agreement.

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Yeah but the prob is i IMO; they billed the warranty ppl the previous week for the job. So this is a 'new' claim. Excess is $100.

I should tell them i want to make a 2nd claim, ill pay excess to warranty firm direct. Haha. (there is no way they will pay).

For $100 eh? Risk future work of guaranteed likely subaru break downs?

I need a $20k e30. Or maybe an m3. Either way im not bored with Subbie yet.

Edited by Nick G

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it shouldnt matter it was their f**k up, and they screwed up the first time. Its like an insurance claim.

If its not fixed the first time to the standard it was previous to the claim they would have to pay again to get it done properly?!

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yes it was their or their suppliers fault not yours,the fact that it was a "warranty job doesnt change that.They were "fixing" the first install...

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shoulda bought the mitsi :D

Evo IV is the same price bracket as my car, not V. IV's are dogs IMO.

I told them im not paying, and basically drove off.

Wonder how much of a big deal they are going to make out of $100?

I can see they are out of pocket for time, but i dont see how that is my problem.

Especially when i ask, 'ok then what was actually wrong?' they say, 'ecu glitch' um, yeaaah...

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Absolutely not your problem, they "fixed" the problem and didn't do the job properly. You don't pay for incompetence.

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