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E39 suspension, sport or non sport

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I have a 2001 530i M-sport and am looking at replacing springs and shocks.

There are a couple of options, including sport or non-sport.

How can I tell if my suspension is sport or not?

Just wanna make sure I order the right parts. Just looking for a slight drop, nothing crazy.

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If your car is a genuine 2001 motorsport it will have Msport II suspension. Best way to find part numbers is check against your VIN on realoem.com

If you're looking for a drop then you'll have to go aftermarket. Personally, I think Msport II is perfect height on the E39.

Edited by jeffbebe
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get under it - when safely supported. take rag and can of WD40. find part numbers on your shocks. write them down. good start.

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put up your number plate or VIN number and I will help you (or someone else might beat me to it)

Edit: of course.... assuming its as new still...

Edited by _Ethrty-Andy_

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