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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/18 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I'm almost prepared to hold my breath waiting for the National accolytes to all be up in arms over it. While the National Party sit back and giggle, and throw a couple more useless comments into the mix. It's not like National weren't going to do the exact same thing. Oh, wait... They were! Still, this way, the Labour haters get to have a good moan. (As, I'm sure the National haters would have done.)
  2. 1 point
    Haha wow that's a bit over the top. My car is "Checked" every 2 years here in the US. And they barely check it. It failed last time because they couldn't connect to the OBD2 port to get the emissions readings. I drove around the block and pulled back in. 2nd guy didn't even check that. Pass. However if you crash because of neglect to your vehicle. Well you are liable. And will likely get sued by and individual or an insurance company. This works in the US. But would not in the Nanny State of NZ. If there was no hand holding for safety checks in NZ I reckon our sh*t road toll would be even higher.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Depends, WOFs can fail you on stupid things. But every second WOF is a bit much and indicates a careless owner IMO.
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