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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/23 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Looks a great car and I'm sure you've done a great job on the interior, but I don't really understand the justification of a higher asking price because "the restoration of another car went over budget". Like I get you wanting to recoup some losses but those are two completely unrelated things. Top marks on the well crafted listing, you've definitely put in way more effort than the previous mob and what you've done has definitely added value but not $20k's worth. Good luck with the sale regardless. Also, and I don't know if it's news to you or not, but it's not a factory manual.
  2. 1 point
    ITT: Eagle finds out he's got astigmatism...
  3. 1 point
    This guy tried to kill us a couple of years back. Narrowly missed him coming head on and then he hit a banked roundabout and flipped. Ran away, police dog found him. Another BA took power out to several properties here last week after falling off a corner and eating a power pole and another fell off the road on the same corner a month back. Falcon drivers
  4. 0 points
    Not sure if this counts as a rant or not, but I've lost $25K worth of irreplaceable vinyl to the floods. I'm out of the country, as was my good friend whom was storing it for me. I was waiting for the phone call upon when they got back, and had mentally prepared for it, but I honestly feel relieved. Most of it was single release / no repress, so there's no point in chasing the dragon again. I guess the question is, what the F**K do I do with my record player now?!?!
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