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Everything posted by Viking

  1. Found this last night, rather odd color.... Metallic light green anyone? looks like holdens color
  2. whoooooooooooooo someone else from christchurch!
  3. Viking

    320i to 325i

    Or buy a mint dead one and M50 it?
  4. Is that more to peoples liking? M50, 760hp they say....hrmm.....
  5. Ok, so if I was to take a stock E30 coupe, run a supercharged (or turbo) S50B32 in it thru a six speed and LSD, would I get rims under the stock guards to take the power well? (keeping in mind I'd probably put a reasonable tyre on it but not the most expensive and grippy)... so we'd be looking at a fair chunk of power and I'd like it to act rather glueish to the road.
  6. Viking


    It looks like I'm not going to be able to get a decent repair job (BMW approved place doing the work), I'm I completely sunk and have to pay the difference? They assessed it at about $500 worth of damage, BMW approved place quoted $922.10. I've been told if I want it done for the more expensive cost, I have to pay the difference. Opinions? Do I have any leg whatsoever to stand on? (keeping in mind I was not moving when I was hit and completely in the clear legally).
  7. Viking


    It gets better, the assessor now wants to speak to me and has gone on holiday so I cant contact him. He claims he has "had problems" with where I want to take it Over a month with a dented car now
  8. Yea, the rear wing has to go
  9. Viking


    Yea, when I was talking with Andrews & Gilmore (place BMW send all their work to) they listed AMI in their list of people they work with. When I got the quote an old guy was comming out in his E46 going "This is the 3rd time I've come here, these guys are great!"
  10. I think I'd rather have a E30 like that since I cant get a true M3 shell
  11. Viking


    Yea, I'll definately be swapping, if they are this much of a problem over something minor like this I shudder to think how bad they will act when I try to insure a supercharged S50B32 in a E30
  12. Viking

    bmw kits??

    I did see a "Turn your E30 coupe into a E30 M3 with fibreglass" kit at one stage, looked ok to, even if it is very very wrong.
  13. Viking

    FAR OUT!!!

    Man, I know how annoyed I was when my car got hit, I cant begin to imagine how you'd feel when your new M5 eats pole....
  14. Viking


    Ahh well, its not too bad, I gave all the details to another paint shop who said "Give us all the details and we'll sort it". Then I just have to book my car back in and they will cut all the marks out of my paint which has been there since I got it for $150
  15. Viking


    Funny how everyone guesses.... Oh well, after this they have just lost the insurance on 5 cars and a house, their loss I guess
  16. Isnt it charming when your car gets under valued by an assessor, and then if you want the insurance job done by someone half decent you have to pay everything on top of the assessed cost, even tho you were stationary when you got hit from behind by another car. Who has had really good experiences with their insurance company and claims? I think I might swap....
  17. I'm quite keen to see the new one series in the flesh, not as keen as I am to see the new M5 but hey, it should be an interesting car. Especially since they are already talking bout a M1.
  18. I'd certianly hope a stripped E30 with a FI S50 would be faster mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  19. Viking

    ...drug testing...

    if that was true here I wouldnt have got rear ended, however most of the people that tail gate are older than 19, usually that 18-25 bracket. But then again, I'd feel much more comfortable with them doing it if they were: A) actually able to drive to a high standard (track time or sometihng similar) not out driving the limitations of their car C) not out driving the limitations of their car in the current weather Just a matter of trying to kerb boy racer syndrome and get them to behave. It would be interesting to see what percentage of accidents are caused by someone outdriving their cars ability.
  20. Viking

    ...drug testing...

    Want to make roads more safe? arse kickings for bumper riders I say Even today driving to work I had a skyline so close that in the rear mirrior I couldnt see any of the front of his car, if I had to stop in a medium mannor, by the time his reaction time was over, he would have already hit, no chance to actually apply the brakes. Driver training schools should be manditory for all new drivers or something. How does germany get away with good drivers?
  21. Viking

    tyre test results

    I'm on a set of Michi Pilot SX or MX or something, seem to be a bloody good tyre, good wear rate so far, great grip, I'd probably look at more in the Pilot series for replacing.
  22. Well, does anyone "own" it? I would think the only people that can lay claim are those that have coughed up $$ for it, like fish farms and crap.Everyone else just uses it, whats wrong with that? do they really need to "own" it? Wouldnt it still give all the features everyone wants irregardless of a bit of paper that states "public land"? shrug I bet someone will turn around and say its the principle or something
  23. For people that get this mag, April 2004 has a few shots of the new 1 series, some talk of the new M6 (ala M5 in a six shell v10 7 speed SMG) and some shots of the new 5 series touring. Doesnt mention talk of 6 cyls in the 1, only 4's and a price of around $15kGBP M6 due late 2005 at a price of around $75kGBP $44kGBP for the new 545i
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