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Everything posted by Viking

  1. I would have thought that private title-holders would have paid for the land and its use and have relivant resource concents (at a guess). Taking something away from someone who paid for it would be quite an interesting exercise. I think everone should have access. I have no problem with people paying for some areas for commercial ventures, after all, they feed alot of $$ into the economy
  2. Viking

    325 Transplant

    If your keen at looking at engine swaps (M/S50) there is a very good email list on yahoo, E30TwinCam that alot of people are on spreading advice. Worth a look if you want to go down that path.
  3. If your buying a kit I would imagine it comes down to how much you want to spend, turbo kits from AA/Dinan are more expensive than supercharger kits but give more power. Euro M3 engines are just damn hard to come by, if anyone knows a source that gets them in frequently I wouldnt mind knowing also, not too concerned where in the world they are either. Oh, yea, at a reasonable price too
  4. BMW Drivers Get Most Sex 03/05/2004 09:47 AM Reuters BMW drivers have more sex than owners of any other cars and are much more active than Porsche drivers, a new German car magazine has found. The German magazine "Men's Car" found in a survey of 2,253 motorists aged 20 to 50 published in its inaugural May issue that male BMW drivers say they have sex on average 2.2 times each week while Porsche drivers have sex 1.4 times per week. Following BMW drivers were Audi (2.1), Volkswagen (1.9), Ford (1.7) and Mercedes (1.6). Drivers of foreign car makes were also behind BMW with Italian cars (2.0), French (1.9), Japanese (1.8), Swedish (1.6) and Korean cars (1.5) trailing after. Among women, French car drivers were top with 2.1 times per week followed by Audi (2.0), Italian (2.0), and BMW (1.9) with Porsche again at the bottom of the scale at 1.2 times per week.
  5. Viking

    Which one?

    Definatley go with the 323 over the 320
  6. I thought slotted rotors are hell on pads? Any idea how more frequent you would need to change them for normal street use?
  7. Viking

    engine swaping

    I would imagine that the S38 would be the hardest engine to get your hands on out of all the BMW engines?
  8. Viking

    engine swaping

    M50 with a AA supercharger or turbo kit?
  9. I'd rather take very harsh stereotypes and reasonable insruance over insane insurance and semi-harsh stereotypes
  10. Yes, yes they do. Speaking to insurance company today, aparently BMW's are a high claim car and expensive to repair. I blame the high claims on the fact that other people are much more arrogant towards BMW drivers thinking of them as a stuck up snob rather than just another motorist. Would be much easier if every driver treated everyone else as a driver irregardless of car, rather than form innacurate stereotypes.
  11. Annoying thing is, people dont let you in traffic and cut you off more simply because your in a BMW.
  12. Viking

    engine swaping

    Was talking to BMW today bout swapping (since my car was in there) and they said they would service for simple stuff, but not for majors which is fair enough. Tho when asking bout the S52 vs M50.... I think I'll go M50, that S52 sounds just a tad to expensive to maintain.
  13. Viking

    Ol' Smokey

    Depends how far you want to go with mods....I think I'm becomming certifiable with what I'm plotting.
  14. I didnt get to make it on the account of my rear bumper still being naffed Next time
  15. Just because I'm curious, I take it a E30 M3 body (with dead or no engine/gearbox) is just as hard to find as a working one in NZ?
  16. haha yea, I think its because (atleast for me) you drive one and then go more! more! more! *resumes evil plotting*
  17. Depends on your definition of hellishly expensive I take mine to BMW Christchurch, and they charge less an hour for certian age cars (E46 being more than E36's) and then a discount ontop of that for BMWCC members. works out being bout $55/hr which I find very reasonable because, well, they are bloody good Not to mention they always clean my car and blacken the wheels and everything for me so it always comes out looking fantastic. I love my car
  18. I also have been told that its very hard to force an entry to the car when its in tilt, I havent really tried tho so I'm not too sure.
  19. Oh yes, Mech insurance is paying for my heater box... cheers Lumleys! now its just a matter of getting hte $922.50 worth of rear bumper and panels fixed... my poor car I'm sure lots of people out there try to screw insurance companies, as long as they pay out the genuine ones its all good, like me :-) PS. It really is a problem when you cant defrost your windowscreen
  20. How about $1500 on a failed or slightly dodgy heater block (they still arent too sure) in my E36. Go the mech insurance :-)
  21. Viking

    decision time

    mmmmmmmmmmmmm E30 goodness I want it.
  22. Thats only because I'm not going to upgrade any parts on the E36, probably not even the rims. Saving it all for the E30 project and keeping the daily driver stock since its already stunning to drive
  23. That is an absolutely stunning color. I hope to do a cruise up north at some stage for something (see how things go) but it would be great to see half of these cars in the flesh. Great purchase
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