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Everything posted by Nobimmer

  1. Lol sweet skid,musta been in a really quiet place aye I know I wouldnt leave the camera there lol doesnt allow for a quick and nifty getaway. Lsd or locker? Badass
  2. Nobimmer


    I got some leather restorer called Dab in or Dub in or something...basicly one of many leather restorers out there.Did the trick for me.If your on the shore you can come grab whats left of it if you wanna try it. And goodluck finding a dye somewhere,I looked for a while and gave up...Brent did his seats with the spray on stuff and they came out looking pretty sweet.
  3. Woo haha got bout 10-15 I think...Phlex sounded gooood.
  4. Yeh he plays a lot of gay sh*t though,eg go on youtube and search dragonforce something...he plays super mario music...which is cool.but very gay.
  5. Bahaha good old dragon force. Herman Lee (li?) has got to be the most cocky guitarist ever...other than John Pertucci from Dream Theater. Anyone else seen Sinate play at The Kings Arms before?My dad does all the beer lines for 90% of the Auckland bars and Sam Shepperd the drummer signed some sticks for me...STOOOKED! Bullet for my valentine is a tad pop/emo for me.
  6. Stick some pink fur on the back...They'll feel sorry for you and give you a WOF for sure. That,or take it to Speedy motors bahaah
  7. That song your brother can play is " A gunshot to the head of trepidation " Heavy metal is more fun to drum.My brother seems to think its more fun to play on gat too.Double bass and ride triplets mean no need to work out bahaha
  8. Gotta be the n00best post ever. Cure = smoke em.
  9. Nobimmer

    Forum Downtime

    Gutted. New style is badass though.
  10. I was looking through some old as pictures and realised that my tails look differnt to eachother. Pretty sure one of em may be an imitation or something like that but the picture was taken AFTER some bastard backed into me and fled I'm sure its not just me lol.
  11. Looks good man. Strut brace makes the engine bay aye. Mint
  12. Badass,looks almost like how u said it was gonna look. Noooice
  13. That is a joke bro. Go back and whine your nuts off till they pay for your sh*t to be fixed
  14. Get bimmersport.co.nz in bombing on the sides be (ph) fat
  15. Yeh have to be on bumpstops and be black pre f/l i think. Mirror tints,g unit bombing on the sides...could work
  16. Dont reckon it'd be worth it...the wheel would be way too small and i really doubt it would suit an E30. Meh Ill do one 2morow and see how it comes out. my 2c
  17. Ohh yeh that makes sense. Bonnet is super faded and will prob need respraying eventually. Petrol flap idea sounds good.
  18. Ghey. Is there a sticker or something saying what it is exactly? On the strut tower thing all it has is BMW Schwartz. Ahh wata PITA
  19. All done prepping the tech one for painting. Wheres a place (pref on the shore) to get BMW Schwarz mixed up?I cant imagine needing more than half a litre if the coverage is anything like the primer. Alternitivly,anyone got a leftover tin I could buy off them? Cheers Ashkan
  20. Looks hawt. Gotta be THE tidiest white car ive ever seen. Good work chris
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