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Everything posted by jpp

  1. jpp


    Your car red or blue? You contradict yourself. Before these series of unfortunate events did the window ever stop intermittently or go up slow or motor make a whining noise? All signs your motor is about to coup it. And if it is only one window that isn't working, and it makes a noise after pressing the button - it most likely sounds like the motor has goneksi.
  2. jpp

    E36 328i

    Why would you want custom mirrors and taillights? Or do you mean aftermarket? EBay.com for all things Ricey, no Racey.
  3. I have that same style. 2 sets left for E46. Can even install it for ya! 021-8-JARED
  4. Shes had it for ages. Get out more ;P And M5H - she's rats.
  5. Fair point. Buy this one. But really... is ABS is required... some E30s do have em' But for $6k, I'd get a really tidy E36 (Personally, I would stay clear of a 320i).
  6. I'll chuck your heay in for a oz PM me
  7. Society has failed them at a young age.
  8. '94+ have 2 airbags. 92-93+ have abs
  9. So people like yourself can't VIR the car of course.
  10. Didn't think any BMWs matched that offset and won't it be FWD?
  11. make a Tanya2008 account.
  12. Looking at $2,000 labour... So the cheaper the bits the better.... anyone?
  13. Will work. But contact Keith first for new springs... great prices.
  14. Have received 3 out of 20+ payments. Thanks to those 3 guys... Everyone who e-mailed me has been sent an e-mail on how to pay etc... NO PAYMENT, NO PLATES.
  15. Unsure how you work consumption on total KMs and tank capacity?! 325iA '94 does a 12.8L / 100km or thereof city driving.
  16. jpp


    Yes, around $2k installed? Import them yourself best bet... otherwise Keith prehaps?
  17. Spin the fan when car is off, if it stops relatively quickly.... it's still good. Maybe best to compare to another car...
  18. jpp

    Mauual e30 on TM

    Mine; $3,500. Click sig.
  19. jpp

    F/L vs pre F/L

    FL onto PFL; Cut tow eyes, bolt on bumper shocks, bolt on side clips, attach valance and plastic bumper.
  20. Will take $3,200 BS MEMBER REALLY WANT IT GONESKI.
  21. Heard the same thing last night. That's why I always carry a crow bar or hammer under my seat
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