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bga last won the day on February 11 2022

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96 Excellent

About bga

  • Rank
    2nd Gear
  • Birthday 04/18/1967

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    E30 318i Manual Coupe 90
  • Car 2
    E30 316i Manual Coupe 90
  • Car 3
    Mini Cooper S 2007

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  1. If in Welly John at Auto38 always used to be the go to 04 979 6678 I got a set of houndstooth coupe door cards for a reasonable price, also rear seat (both bench and back) free to a good home
  2. bga

    The latest daily E30

    Done mirrors a few times before, tbh a rattle can is perfect for them, initially i got cans from supercheap and colour wasn’t even close, got colour matched at Autopaint in Henderson, near enough perfect
  3. bga

    The latest daily E30

    Thanks, must have been a mistake on shipping i reckon, no customs charges either which I was expecting, yea painted myself, its not hard, just have to slightly rough up clean and degrease , 3 coats of paint, 2 clear and have patience to let it all dry before handling
  4. bga

    The latest daily E30

    been a while but time for an update. The E30 is a garage queen now, weekend and sunshine car nowadays mainly due to a work relocation and also the rising value of the old girl, been after these for a while and eventually got round to getting some OEM iS skirts for her from CATuned in California (8 days door to door for $36USD shipping), some fitting and after pics, used the official clips for anchoring the underside but didn't use the factory grommet method as really didn't want to drill holes so got a recommendation to use windscreen adhesive which has worked fantastically - really pleased with how she looks
  5. Just popped up on my Facebook , Weitz Industries breaking , its a coupe - https://www.facebook.com/WeitzIndustries/
  6. bga

    Recaros for E30

    @Ghost ChipPM me your FB name if pos so I can tell him what to look for
  7. bga

    Recaros for E30

    @Ghost Chip - just had a reply "Sorry, currently have nothing"
  8. bga

    Recaros for E30

    @Ghost Chip, just found old messages from last year and have just replied to it asking Brett to check his 'others' folder, don't know if he's still in business at all as only dealt with him fleetingly last year - Brett Burdett is the fellas name if u can find him
  9. the guy i know who knows of the seller says he wont be able to get in touch with him until back at work, he's a sparkie , so whenever builders get back to work hopefully should get to know if still available
  10. Pic above is of the interior, have messaged the guy to see if its still available
  11. few and far between nowadays, probably irrelevant but you ought to state coupe or sedan, I got mine from a wrecker convertible a few years ago rough as guts for $170 , got them fully reupholstered so final bill was around $2k. I am aware of a full coupe interior from I believe an Mtech1 that was available a short time ago, if its coupe you are after I can enquire if the interior is still available
  12. ... a bit bored at work today, made the kidneys slightly smaller and moved the number plate, I reckon it looks better , like I say, quiet day at work today ...
  13. it was 1967 I seem to recall - UK number plate was YWJ90G - 1300cc and went like a rocket albeit a noisy one - yep hard top, I used to keep it in my bedroom during the summer (the top not the car )
  14. .... a bit of a stretch to have kept these as this pic is from around 1987 but have very fond memories of the Spitfire for sure, with my brothers Escort - soldt he Spitfire for around 800 GBP at the time and it ended up being put through the back of a garage as the guy who bought it was wheel spinning on his driveway
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