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Posts posted by allan

  1. The ultimate saving would be to leave the key at home and us a bike or shanks pony 100% saving hehe! sorry just the way things seemed to be heading. A good driving style a well tuned, maintained car plus a petrol discount and you will be surprised at the saving on fuel one can achieve.

  2. Only you will be able to make that decision Mackt as you know your own and family's needs better than anyone.

    My only guide would be to research any potential purchase thoroughly. The E39 is by no means faultless but these have been well documented. cooling system, final stage resistor, pusher fan, etc

    Items I have found of interest to me have been the vehicles safety feature how safe are you in that car

    Seat comfort, leather as apposed to other materials, types of adjustments available, ease of getting in and out. How does your back feel after strapping johnny in that baby seat,or getting that package out of the boot etc

    Heater /air conditioning air flow, ability to maintain a good cabin environment etc

    Road handling/ride over a wide range of situations go and stop functions.

    My choice was a 530i. It has had it's moments and a steep learning curve for me, first time owner. Would buy again put look for the last of the E39 line with all the goodies and if pocket allowed look at the diesel range also.

    We can all give you our opinion of the two vehicles concerned but in the end I feel my first comment stands.

  3. This may help http://www.bimmerfest.com/forums/showthrea...W+approved+oils

    they seem to be in a spin them selves about what to use

    Check out Castrol Syntec 0w-30, 5w-30 other grades maybe available

    BMW Synthetic 5w-30

    Mobil 1 0w40

    Used Castrol Sport Edge 5w-30 fully synthetic $162.00 for 2x 5ltr packs when I changed the oil on the 530. No tranny dip stick is a plug only I believe could be wrong, see some one has already mentioned this

    Gannet boy;

    where's the fun in that all that lovely hot oil running over your fingers as you take the sump plug out and then it falls into the drip pan just to add insult to injury haha!!

  4. What sort of gas mileage do you get out of the 525? out of interest. As most of my running is country and a little town 60/40 say I'm getting 700-750km to a tank, 02 530i. about 9.4 to 10ltr per Try this under General Discussion Fuel Consumption city driving only.

  5. xks34*204CDSC sORRY need to wipe the tears from my eyes so I can see what I'm typing. That has to be the most uumm the words escape me at the moment, need a second sorry still laughing. That has to take the cake and icing for the stupidest thing I have heard of done to clean the internal part of an engine ever.

    Could we start a post with a few more of these as we all need a good laugh now and again.

    Cheers Allan

  6. MMM!!! Your mate will have a light wallet no matter which way he goes by the look of it M3- guy.

    Some of the remarks made on the SUB site maybe correct to them but in the eyes of a BMW enthusiast they raise the heckles on the back of your neck. Hence you have a difference of opinion and the tension is then set you can take them for what they are opinions or just leave it alone.

    This is a very touchy subject one which has no doubt been thrashed out before. All the facts about both vehicle models need to be known before forming any option on which one the individual wish's to choose.This I feel is guided by a number of factors,

    Age, yours and the vehicle's

    What do you want the vehicle for ie. Daily, drag car, track work, paddock you get the idea

    Colour, economy, comfort etc etc in the end it will be the purchaser's decision. As the owner ship continues knowledge is obtained about the vehicle they have and that opinion will either be re-enforced or it will be changed.

    The BMW image has been forged over many years, good and bad I feel it will be around for many more, my opinion only. The import issue could be a concern as more beema's become available the elite or what ever term you wish to put on it will diminish. This in turn will have its own pro's and con's what they will be only time will tell.

    Cheers Allan

  7. Woooh! has that just boiled the jug or what? time for an early morning cupper

    Sorry just the devil in me again:lol:. Have to side with the so called "old brigade" on this issue.With anything mechanical do it once correctly or leave it alone totally. As it will most assuredly come back to bit you in the ass. My years in the motor industry has shown me this many times.

    2 cents worth


  8. If this guy is annoying you so much ask the Trade me people to see what are the conditions under which he must operate. Watch the auction carefully if he crosses the line tell the powers to be what has taken place. If he has already done so as seems the case to some people let them know and maybe they may do something.

    This can be very frustrating I know but hay life is like that sometimes take it as a challenge not a vendetta. Rise above it.

    Oh! I had an e-mail this morning from my Q I asked NO was the answer. Didn't think I would get to much more from him. Maybe he may get his wish and people will, quote"keep away from this one".

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