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Posts posted by allan

  1. MMm!! that seems to be the case with all of the parts I have purchased. Us RealOEM .com to obtain the part number then get a price off the BMW dealer.Obtain a price from my contacts in the states or Germany. The over seas stuff general comes back about 1/3rd cheaper and with the freight still ends up costing me less. Go for it, just do your home work and you shouldn't have any problems with it just my thought for what it's worth.

    Shipping info open Pelican web site scroll to the bottom of the first page and along their is a section shipping options click on it and it will open to what is available about 4 or 5 are listed not sure if all are available. The USPS express mail I have used, Pelican give you a tracking number so no big deal to keep tabs on things and if the timing is right the parts turn up in about 4-6 days. cheers Allan

  2. not up with play on this one either yet! ( will read up the other info later thanks Simon).But has sparked up a bit of interest by all the comments so far. Is this guy a "dick" or out of touch with things in general or what. If it is a gen M5 done 85,000km and is it 15 years old, 1993 that is only 5,600 odd k's a year correct me if wrong is it worth it all the hoop lar. The plate make me :lol: SWINE is their anything to that also?

    Cheers Allan

  3. driftit

    Your comments about mid 90's Sentra or Corolla crap does not go down well with me and on a public forum to. As I own a 95 Sentra and have found it far from a piece of crap as you stated, in fact it has been and still is a dam good reliable motor vehicle. In the next line or so you state you had connections with the Nissan Silivia club for NZ plus you own and fairlady in my book if that ain't calling the kettle black i don't no what is, .Maybe you should engage your brain before opening your mouth in future and making statements that can and have offended people.

  4. Hi all,

    which would you prefer to know, assemble date or rego date. Have been looking over a few car for sale and checking out the Rego date and then assemble dates and some are way off i.e. rego date 2002 month not known, assemble date 06/2001 some closer some further apart what is your opinion?

  5. Another e39 owner hi, have a 530 myself and yes the v8's have a bad history of cooling system troubles. the pixels are another area to be aware of,headlight adjusting pivot mounts these are plastic and become brittle with age. Have a check on some of the US forums bimmerforum.com, bimmerfest, roadfly, etc may help you out cheers and happy motoring.

  6. A little confused have tried this site on a couple of chassis numbers sure it gives you the usually stuff you would expect like production year, type of trans, model, fluids etc but nothing else. What about trim level, sport items suspension, seats g.p.s/tv and phone all that sort of stuff. How do you obtain that info, yeah I know some smarty out their will say just ask I know that would be the simple thing to do . But my point is it is a decoder site shouldn't it give you that info any how??.

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