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Posts posted by Allanw

  1. If you change the address of one car, it changes them all.... Mum changed the address for the Model A to theirs, because that's where it is stored - ALL my cars changed to their address too, because all the cars are in my name.

    I had to go and change them all back!

  2. I use YouShop all the time. Only problems so far have been 2 times that I included oil and grease, which aren't allowed ? There is often a delay between the item arrivng, and when they say its arrived... but the shipping is cheap.

    I have a 17 inch wheel coming from the US for NZ$89-50 currently... MyUS STARTS at NZ$201!, Fedex etc are totally ridiculous!

    Even Kiwishipping by SEA was only marginally cheaper, and they've still not replied to my enquiry email from early in the week. Too late now anyway - YouShop has worked out cheaper/faster.

    The worst part, is US sellers using STUPID big boxes for stuff - YouShop say they don't rebox car parts, but they often do, anyway.

    I still have the other 3 wheels to order yet... individually, to avoid customs :lol: But I'm ordering each one, after the last one leaves the US

    • Like 2

  3. 11 hours ago, M3AN said:

    I like the optimistic title on that video "Misfire Issue". It sounds like it's running on marbles.


    I thought they'd retrofitted an old school diesel, with a lumpy cam... Maybe even a 2 stroke detroit, with a loping cold idle :lol:

    Anyway, it's only an M5 - nothing a wheelbarrow full of $100 bills can't fix.

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  4. 14 hours ago, aja540i said:

    got a pair of nice shiny new pilot sport 4s for the back of the M5, unfortunately the M5 is still up on a hoist trying to get the ABS fault sorted so i can't try them out until tomorrow. ?

    Did you get a chance to "get your money's worth" from the old ones??? ;)

  5. 8 hours ago, dirtydoogle said:

    Suspension flies apart, they eat brakes and they rust like crazy. Have seen several break seat backs off without being crashed 

    Not a particularly well built car but they drive okay. Love the Barra though, beauty of an motor with some boost up it 

    The rust on them is crazy! A mate was looking at them (and it was a long time ago - they're weren't old then!), until he discovered how many were rotted out under the back window in the boot.

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  6. 22 minutes ago, aja540i said:

    Yeah, until the end of August I think. There Is probably more rubber In my 2 rear tyres than your set of 5 though! ;)

    I only have (nearly) half the power going through them... but mine is fed through all 4... so each of yours have to cope with 4 times the power... so they should really be 4x the price :lol: Tell "The Accountant" you're getting a bargain.

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