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Everything posted by downlow

  1. downlow


    gus you had chromes did u consider yourself gay? or do you still do?
  2. downlow

    E30 318i for sale

    how much for steering rack? (only if it non power steering)
  3. :thumb: can anyone get hold of the white speedo dials?? im keen as for some the look fukin trick!
  4. downlow

    My sounds setup

    looks tidy cuz nice job :thumb:
  5. can i take your m5 for a thrash ahahahahahha
  6. downlow


    yo whats rong wid e30s rollin wid chrome and sacked out.? just another e30 wid chrome and on its ass! it's all about style yo
  7. downlow


    shorten your shox or bye shorter shox and it's imposible for them to fall out. i have jamex 60mms compressed another 45ml and with shorten shox they past certifcation and fly through warrents :thumb:
  8. if ya deposit 5 bucks in ill send ya 3, cant go paying for postage for nothing ya no
  9. downlow


    radiator - $70 ono arconditioning pump and hoses - $20 ono Trans cooler - $30 ono 318i m10 exuaust from manifold $60 ono
  10. yeah i got as many as you want $2 each
  11. downlow

    Oh dear

    all good tha driver was okay! but f**kin mean crash man awesome!
  12. downlow


    king springs! use a compresser and do the fronts yourself aswell. easy as that
  13. SEX , DRUGS , ROCK'n'ROLL oh and rotors keep it mazda yo!
  14. downlow

    wrecked 325

    I'll give ya a hundy for steering rack?
  16. downlow

    BMW recall

    just be very aware of faget drivers that are in the shity cars who don't care about anyone or anything on the road!
  17. downlow

    318 engine bits

    ill give ya 5 bucks for it!
  18. put rotary in it! dat what iv done. its tha only way!!!! mazda power + bmw running gear = SKIDS & FAST & FUN
  19. f**k yea nuts, i want one!
  20. downlow

    my touring

    why would you want to sell it?? 18's and slammed out = "PIMPD OUT"
  21. downlow

    King Springs

    why dont you just shorten your shox, i got jamex 60mls compresssed another 45ml, and the sit captive with shortened shox in the front and rear.
  22. you needa find the accesories wire which has constint power. this will turn the head deck on and off wid ya key!
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