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Everything posted by dickhead

  1. What does she think shes going to do now? Even by politicians standards she is hopelessly incompetent, and im pretty sure she has never done a real days work in her entire life. She spent half her miserable political career trying to get more money for people on the dole, which is ironic, because that is where she should end up.
  2. hahahaha so true, drunk skids are always the biggest and best as well, no mercy for the car or tyres
  3. haha yeah aye, even more juvenile, its twice as fun in front of a crowd
  4. If she occasionally mentions something she wants to do thats really dumb and a complete waste of money, that is probably a good idea. Women have this idea that the bigger the waste of money=the more you love them. my examples/ideas; hiring out a penthouse suite at a fancy hotel for the night or getting one of those weekend getaway packages with massages etc Try not to get her anything tangible, incase she leaves you (It will fcuk you off immensely knowing she still has still has it)
  5. hahaha hard out aye, i hate too, when women are like "I haven't even had a fine yet! I must be a perfect driver, look at all your speeding fines!"
  6. i hate people who indicate with the curves of a large roundabout, if you are going straight, you don't have to indicate until you exit the roundabout, not indicate right as you curve right then left as you exit! it just makes other people going straight in the other direction stop and give way to you who didn't need to. And if you ever point this out to people they are always like "no, they changed the rules, you have to indicate now" You have a duty as a caring citizen, to swear, curse and use appropriate sign language at anyone in the right hand lane not passing on the motorway
  7. It is these cars that have interchangeable performance parts between models which are in high demand and fetch good prices, not to mention they are all relatively easy to steal and the aforementioned "market" is willing to turn a blind eye if the price is right Of course some people will dislike these vehicles (and their owners) but in general they are faster, more reliable (relative to performance) and cheaper to run than alternatives. Its not the cars fault if some pimply faced bogan gets his or her hands on them
  8. most of the theorys dont need their own facts, they just point out the obvious faults with the official version. I mean if they just came out and said, "the pricks somehow got bombs into the towers and shot our beloved invincible pentagon and flight93 with a rocket" everything would be fine. there are a huge number of "facts" that don't check out in the official version. there needs to be an independant investigation with nothing witheld or ignored. Theres no way anyone could call any official investigation conclusive. Its like getting Joe Karam to investigate the Bain murders, or the army investigating who is to blame when a bridge they build collapses
  9. fair enough, 2 out of 3 "plausible." (mythbusters should do a piece on this?)anyone want to explain the pentagon?
  10. hondas are cheaply built, all popular models are FWD, their performance is mediocre. and thats just the cars. let alone the drivers (for now). Of all the car makes why anyone would be an enthusiast of Hondas? ps i am a fan of unmodified hondas as they are good on gas and reliable, just dont make the mistake of thinking your honda is in any way cool.
  11. re the last few comments, it sounds like you know more than i about this and i will take your word for it, although i still have doubts about the nature of the collapse but this could be unfounded. I am sure you will agree that the nature in which the 3 towers collapsed is suspect to say the least. I will concede the tower collapse point though, but still I have never heard a sensible reason as to explain what happened to the pentagon, or where the plane from flight93 is. What really surprises me though, is that if it IS a conspiracy, why couldn't the govt. make a fake video featuring the plane hitting the pentagon? Its almost like they enjoy entertaining the conspiricy theorists. Using NISTs "findings" as evidence is like using the loose change documentary as evidence. NIST have proven themselves self serving or at the very least incompetent.
  12. i curse the day some fool at BMW put a little "M" badge on "m tech" e36s. now all i hear about is all these dudes mates that all have M3s on chrome 18s. Try to explain and its like "nah bro, its got the badge and everthing!" Smile, nod your head and don't encourage the idiot to continue.
  13. I think I will remain undecided. Anyone with an open mind should come to the conclusion that there are many serious issues that the US govt for some reason choose to ignore, presumably because they have no plausible explanation. Lets not forget they should have to defend themselves to justify the actions in retaliation. The towers were surely not brought down by a plane, ask any structural engineer or demolition expert. That is not necessarily pointing blame at the govt. if anyone can provide an alternative argument to that I would love to hear it. also please explain; where the plane went that crashed into the field why the pentagon will not release any footage of the plane (or do they have not surveillance cameras?) what happened to WTC building 7? (admittedly I got that straight out of loose change) there are so many holes in the story I dont think anyone can be blamed for being suspicious If it was an inside job someone would probably have stumbled upon some sort of paper trail by now, and surely there would be too many people involved in such a scheme to keep all of them quiet. great thread by the way
  14. my e36 is manual and in immac. condition pretty modified but done near 300000km without a rebuild so possibly time for a new engine soonish. thinking of an RB25det as i love rb engines. i know it wouldnt be easy but have a pretty large budget has this been done before? anything in particular i should know?
  15. dickhead

    skid pad?

    the answer is no. there is no place in NZ to skid that is cheap and convenient, despite the thousands of people it would benefit. just go down to a quiet intersection and go nuts
  16. haha antony got robbed. people dont seem to be stealing wheels so much any more, locknuts do the trick. for the car, steal the coil every night, the c**ts will have to bring their own if they want your car haha. on the skyline i disconnect the fuel pump in the boot, takes 5 seconds. alarms are a nuisance, usually cost more than your window/lock would anyway (unless you have serious car audio)
  17. if it was me i wouldn't bothedr changing them, the thruxtons look good as. if you want the black with chrome dish look, just paint the centres black? that would look pretty sweet i reckon. i wouldnt bother with those ruff things, they are less flattering than the wheels you have now
  19. when i was 16 i got caught going 137kph racing down bealey ave at 7pm delivering pizzas afterschool. my excuse was the pizzas were getting cold. he laughed, called me a little wanker (true) gave me the spiel and told me and to get back to work. best cop ever?
  20. i dont get it, under current laws cars can be impounded and sold for repeat offenders. whats the difference if it gets crushed? i would rather get my car crushed than sold to someone else??? another idiotic idea from the "stamping out/tackling the boyracer problem" brigade
  21. HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THE POLICE! naughty naughty
  22. wof issuers are on par with parking wardens in my book. especially those tossers from VTNZ. the best thing to do is wait the 30 days or whatever it is to go off the system then go somewhere else.
  23. it was kind of a joke, im not that thrilled with it just thought id put a pic up for others too see. Edit: bravo - breached forum rules regarding language and offending others
  24. was in the process of removing my front bumper for (got an m3 one on now) and suddenly noticed how quickly the standard front bumper went from ugly as sh*t to kinda cool in about 10 seconds. could be sweet for other e36ers on a budget
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