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Everything posted by Mr2low

  1. Mr2low

    BMW X4

    hahaha so true, ironic German manufacturer choosing to design a car that looks like a bulldog
  2. Mr2low

    BMW X4

    Wait for the only one they've missed out of the x series line up the x7. It'd be the size of an H2
  3. that's fair enough na already had it, hate the name stuff too get it at work every day. I must have canon because.... I just roll my eyes lol brand Nazis.ill have a hunt for it
  4. yeah been reading about m105 looks like its gonna be the best option, looks like it could be fun
  5. well spent a few (6) hours working on 3 panels and please ignore the crap all over the place had to dry my clothes for work, so the dryer is pointing out the door haven't used a wax yet just cutting compounds depth of colour again no wax
  6. yeah first thing i did was to clay bar the car, each panel has come up glassy smooth except for the bonnet, clay bar just seams to run over the top of the tar/sap. Will try kero, hopefully this removes tar/sap. The compounds I've been using are the same i used to bring a sun faded red mr2 back to like new paint. Just amazed by how hard the paint is, as the same compounds are barely touching the surface.
  7. Well as I'm stuck waiting for probate, i thought I'd try to reduce/eliminate the issues i have with my paint this is a section of my bonnet As you can see this looks like sh*t I've tried scratch x (nothing) i've tried meguiars mirror glaze #2 fine cut cleaner followed by mirror glaze #9 swirl remover (a little better) how far do I go? Bar busting out the sand paper and wet sanding the car. next option is to go buy mirror glaze # 1 medium cleaner also i seem to have tar from hell, not even these compounds will remove Is BMW paint really this hard?
  8. Mr2low

    99 523I rebirth

    well had a major blow today, finally got an answer on my proof of ownership issue. Have to wait for probate to be , then get a letter from the executor of the saying that ownership has been transferred to me then have it witnessed by the courts. Yay may as well get the sedan over and get that running.
  9. did this for my grey 540 and according to BMW its meant to be Oxford green like my touring was optioned with a shorter final drive too very odd though links up with BMW paper work though that said it was green
  10. I'll take sloppy seconds lol straight bolt up for one of mine
  11. Had a copper m6 parked out front of work on monday soooo nice took a couple of photos too will post them once I get to my PC someones hogging it how come these haven't made it
  12. That's the fun part e39 touring easy to get in the us, pita to find in nz. Or anyone have an idea on where to get one might give BMW an email tomorrow lol just have to make sure I'm sitting down when i get a reply. Also remembered i needed both side trim strips for the passenger front and rear doors preferably with chrome trim
  13. So wish my touring had style 32's i love the rk's would have an snapped up the offer
  14. awhhh poor car, I mean really who looks at there car and says THAT looks awesome??? just like this patchy as, matte black integra parked out front of work today. he was telling his mate who was parked next to him, in quite a tidy civic i must add, how awesome it looked matte black, do they have eyes that work differently? that thing must be making some massive psi to require that intercooler
  15. As im at the point of taking the touring to vtnz for her big check up, and fingers crossed some new plates. Im making a list of some cosmetic stuff id like to do, personally love the sand interior, but hate the brown tops of the dash and door cards, so was thinking about maybe going black? this is some very quick photoshop
  16. Mine disintegrated when I unclipped it, it the rubber clamp them holds the channel to the base of the aircon filter box
  17. Mr2low

    99 523I rebirth

    Finally got fuel filter and fuel line joiners fitted today not ideal with out a jack lol but got it done(have no idea where my jacks vanished too plus car is missing its) gave battery good charge and she ran fine for 15mins just idling plus a couple of trips up and down the drive way just to make sure brakes work, only interesting thing is odd readout from fuel gauge reckons its got 30l in there ?
  18. Mr2low

    99 523I rebirth

    Cheers saves me looking will do the phone around tomorrow see who has one
  19. that's an easy one the finish isn't amazing chips and scratches all over missing 2 centre caps one doesn't fit properly guessing from a different wheel, m badges have gone yuck plus the 8" on the rear looks silly and I figure to have these refurbished and get new caps and badges probably cost 500-600. May as well get some new ones and use these on the sedan to replace the 16's to make it look nicer when I sell it.
  20. did the 66's ever come in an 18" or were they just a 17" I've been looking at those for a while I love them just think with the tourings bulk in the rear they'd look undersized like the current 17's yeah 235/45 this would be the most comfortable ride I've owned, 70's minis on 10's haha, sw20 mr2 17x8 front 18x9 rear. Looks balanced 18's look silly on the front, not after the pimped gansta wagon but something the makes you go sh*t that looks nice, if I can say that hehe. And as for NZ roads my god I've never been so shocked in my life, poor excuse for roads not even finished properly. First thing I learnt in NZ don't use Yokohama lol they do not last on sand paper roads as unlike to call them
  21. So getting to the point where I'm going to need want to replace the 17's and put something a bit bigger on, they look a little small, thinking staggered setup but really need some ideas. So in our house the wheel selection has a couple of tests, I choose 5 wheels that I like, I find find prices on all do some PhotoShop in different angles then pass them to the gf who picks from there. Keeps the peace haha. From quick reading I know about the bore size needed, and offset around 20 which should work with a 9" width or might I need to go lower offset.
  22. Mr2low

    99 523I rebirth

    Have already had to push it a few times now and it isn't fun would've thought mid 200's for battery though
  23. Mr2low

    99 523I rebirth

    Cool I'll check out on what's recommended was only from memory been 8 years since I worked for repco memory a little hazy could still walk in and pick a Subaru timing belt kit out though
  24. Mr2low

    99 523I rebirth

    well been lazy taking photos and not uploading them, so heres a few just to prove I am doing stuff head lights used to look like this with 1500,2000,3000 grit sand paper with scratch x on the buffer and then polished now ill be able to see in the dark broken bumper, nothing msport one wont fix after hitting it with every compound I own still left with this, not really the scratches more the damage from sitting for so long and having water sit on the paint then getting baked into the paint not to worry nothing a full body wet sand wont fix(future plan not urgent) the other night 20 seconds of running hahaha
  25. Mr2low

    99 523I rebirth

    Well got the underbody panel off that covers the filter and rubber hoses joining the hard lines together, did have a nice big damp patch there, so guessing this is where I have the issue, I'm going to replace all the short joiners with new hose and get a new filter. also removed and binned the aftermarket hands free kit because it looked ugly as sin, and who knows what it fits.
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