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Young Thrash Driver

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Posts posted by Young Thrash Driver

  1. That isn't too bad. I'd head to the supermarket and grab a tin of Kiwi polish and two brushes, one to apply the polish and one to scrub it in and polish it out. Then buff afterwards with a cotton rag so residue doesn't rub onto the Mrs favourite white fabrics. I'd budget at least 15 minutes per boot. I have always avoided dubbin, having seen it make leather too soft and perishable.

    I suppose you could also use the stuff you have on the shelf for car interior care 😂

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  2. On 3/13/2022 at 12:06 PM, Herbmiester said:

    My Niece will be getting her licence in July and she has her heart set on a BMW. She will have a bout 3.5k to spend which I think wont be enough to get something reliable. I was thinking about a an E46 sedan. I see some 1 series are cheap but they are all 116i's which dont have a stellar reputation. Is this possible or do I steer here towards a Japanese car or maybe a Golf? What to do think? 

    There's an E36 318ti just popped up in the For Sale thread Barry. Not sure what kids nowadays would think of that, are they "old school" cool yet?

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  3. 1 hour ago, Twistee said:

    the intersection outside the local cemetery looks like the burn out box at Meremere.

    Props for finding somewhere the neighbours won't complain I suppose...

    These "boy racers" need to start policing themselves. What they are doing for fun is already pushing the limits in a number of ways, which inevitably attracts ferals- so deal with the problem, and then you won't be dealt to by angry locals, done over by cops who are told to "do something" and portrayed in media as if the dickheads are the rule rather than an exception. Grow up you dickheads is my attitude. I always took care that my idiocy didn't affect the public too much. As for spilling milk that very well could have been picked up from my farm... Wankers.

  4. 5 hours ago, Driftit said:

    I do have a bit of hate for the Ute down these ways.  Every 2nd vehicle is a Ute here.  They are the fastest, best handling and most capable vehicle in the world.

    We call it Ranger Danger.  Because you just know the one sitting 2m off your bumper in a school zone is going to pass you in a dangerous spot using all of their 1500hp and F1esk handling.
    It's funny because it is the behaviour that BMW drivers usually get blamed for.

    Utes are so ubiquitous now it appears all the cocks have left their Audis for something higher riding ("command position") and more tax friendly.

    • Like 2

  5. Any investment in this area will be painted as subsidising fossil fuels. The real problems we face are ideological.

    There are many waste to energy schemes overseas and we ought to produce enough waste to make it work. We have terrain just crying out for more dams. Sadly the focus is on planting pine trees on the worlds most efficient farms, and importing a mix of very expensive new and half worn out 2nd hand electric cars. The Minister responsible for energy spoke of building 4.5 wind farms per year, this has proven to be all talk. Plans to upgrade the distribution network must be a state secret, because so little is talked about it. And still we aren't allowed to say the "n" word.

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  6. I refreshed some injectors once. Then one of them went mental and stuck open about 2 weeks after I stuck them back in- so ended up sending them away for a proper clean/flow test etc etc. Was about $30 each from memory.

    • Thanks 1

  7. We bought a second hand Mazda 6 wagon and until recently were putting 33K km a year on it. It cost us about 12K 5 years ago and is now at 288K km. It's 2.0 engine returns 8.1L/100km and servicing costs have been trivial. It required a replacement steering rack (apparently these do that) at 250K km but other than fuel tires and scheduled maintenance hasn't cost us anything. We both still like driving it, it's a very nice modest "just does the job" vehicle- and it isn't a Toyota. 

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  8. 3 hours ago, aja540i said:

    Hey, I have this lying around if you want it, its NOS, and its for a 6  cylinder but you might be able to drill the rivets out and replace the dented bit on your one. PM me if you want it, I can put it on our truck next time its heading to Hamilton. 


    Nah don't modify it, it's past time he got into the 6 cylinders again 😎

  9. 52 minutes ago, Jacko said:

    Put my mums ebike on tardme, its 2 months old and has 2 miles on it. Receipt for $1495. Reserve 900. 

    First comment - $600 offer.... 😐

    Put mums 2011 Honda Fit on trademe, 7k reserve. 

    First comment - $5500 offer.... 🙄


    Dafaq wrong with people. 

    Yeah but they will pay with cash

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    • Haha 4

  10. On 12/23/2021 at 6:26 PM, jon dee said:

    That's a routine fix for bleeding tar... spread fresh chip over the top (usually a smaller grade) and let the traffic roll it into the voids. If the contractor uses normal size roading chip, that adds the extra excitement of flying stones as kiwi drivers are way too staunch to heed the "30kph Fresh seal" warning signs. Some cars will not slow down and at 100kph leave a rooster tail of flying chips behind. All part of the great kiwi road trip in summer :) 


    I thought everyone had shares in Novus?!

  11. How many km total has it done?

    And as an aside... Why the hell would anyone put their teen in a Toyota shoebox. $2000 would struggle to buy you a safer car. This one even has parking sensors- practically learner driver proof! Even Qube has had a look- the E39 really is an every mans car.

  12. You should enjoy it, these are a nice steering wheel. The rim thickness and smaller diameter makes a huge change. Also the cruise control and sound buttons are very economically placed. Some manufacturers get this really wrong but I reckon BMW nails it with this steering wheel.

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