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Everything posted by misgvous_1

  1. soon they will be a bank that sells cars
  2. i am very keen have been waitin a while to get mine of its hubs i would be up 4 between 100-150
  3. yea i did. she was weaving thru traffic and i was turning right wen an ambulance let me thru and she came up the opposite side of the ambulance so i didnt see her till it was too late
  4. ha ha i didnt mean speed battle
  5. the other day i experience a battle between my e30 and a vespa who do u thnk won
  6. misgvous_1

    new boy

    hey bro tidy lookin ride. what size exhuast tip is dat. keep up the good work
  7. its not the pony thats funny its the amount of hits the page has had and the questions that have been asked CiLK WuRM Posted on Aug 3 2004, 01:41 PM Busted as being a listener of the edge. OWNED. how would you know unless you were listneing also
  8. misgvous_1

    Step right up

    324.2 someone has too much time on their hands to create a game like that then agen i gues we have too much time on our hands to be playing the game soo much
  9. sweet lookin ride sic well done
  10. thats a huge bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well at least you wouldn't have to swerve for small children
  11. misgvous_1


    whos goin to erotica this weekend
  12. misgvous_1

    20 questions

    didnt like 20 questions
  13. oops i ment 528i done out motorsport stylez been drivin it all night, f**ken mean piece of vehicle. thanks for all the support. the sh*t thing is im a nonalcoholic so i cant even drawn my sorrows in beer
  14. greenlane cops wont do sh*t because its only a break in....and they are useless .apart from bein there to give u a ticket
  15. and it gets even beta when after you have been broken into you have to pay for the repair on which ever part of the car the damaged gettin in.
  16. but theres a small silver lining to this cloud the car im now drivin is a 2000 m528 bloody nice drive
  17. the annoyin thing was the alarm was goin in next week after this weeks pay i would jus go straight for the head and save on amunition.
  18. will cover damage and a couple of things like the faceplate and 1 set of speakers but i can kiss the rest of the stuff goodbye took me 2 f**ken years to collect all that stuff and its gone in one f**ken nyt they broke the back quater window then i think the learnt bout the dead lock. so they then screwdrived all the locks
  19. misgvous_1

    20 questions

    took it 28 guesses to get credit card and it didnt get ink cartridge
  20. woke up at 8.... ready and out of the house by 8:30..... checked my baby to make sure everything was ok.......... boot was open..... doors were open...... THE f**kERS TOOK $4000 WORTH OF SOUND EQUIPMENT and to add insult to injury the broke my ash trays it just made me want to cry
  21. im pretty sure they quite simple 5 spoke mags. i think they will still look very nice on an e30
  22. looks quite nice....but the only merc i want to b seen in is a bus
  23. y dont u like electric gus
  24. misgvous_1


    i checked in there under exhaust and the exhaust being to low isnt a reason for rejection.and there are no other subsections to do with lowering of the car where about did u have the wof done
  25. misgvous_1


    im jus checkin sum sites now. did they give the wof to u or did they turn u down
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