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Everything posted by _BRS_

  1. _BRS_

    Nearly there.

    Wow mint pics john! Should head up the mountain one day after a fresh dumping! I couldn't come id be boarding!
  2. _BRS_

    Personalised Plates

    I had the black German plates with the fern and"nz" bit and still got pulled over, $200 fine and told to remove them... so no way round it, they have to be New Zealand issued plates with the holographic fern in the background of the actual plate.
  3. haha^ just tried it... couldn't get any smoke or rubber on the ground... and now my car wont go into gear... weird... maybe i forgot the water part.
  4. _BRS_

    My E30 = FAIL.

    At least someone didn't piss in your petrol tank!
  5. id rock that audi wag^^ too bad its a 1.8 auto
  6. _BRS_

    Nearly there.

    Looking good john, not too over the top! Get my pm regarding auto gbox?
  7. ^^ what jase said Im also keen for a pair. Add me to the list
  8. lol WHAAAATi sent emily a pm regarding my e30 iv got nothing to do with this "gossip" sorry glenn
  9. nice man coming along slowly. In regards to exterior mods, think your spot on, def go for the borbets!
  10. Damit thats the one i need, hope they are reversable, also the passenger side front central locking unit... mite take that too.
  11. ^^oh yeah i need a rear elec window motor too!^^
  12. +1 would look sex with a tech2 and some nice wide wheels and manual conv of course!
  13. Grey carpet and mats if there were any = mine
  14. Ryan, got any other options for re-colouring worn leather other than that waproo shoe stuff? Going to do another full set (Black this time)and thinking of other options.
  15. Looking nice man, admire your dedication! can't wait for a real boost once its tuned!
  16. Welcome! The addiction has started, you can sure go along way with your e30, as i have myself! Look forward to your progress! Blair
  17. arrr i love this stuff! might have to convert to a mk2 or mk3 golf after the e30 haha shhhh
  18. nice work john! looks nice against the orange
  19. At that price i wouldn't get them, id go for the borbets, but itl be hard to twist your arm. White with black is old now, yes i still rock mine but if i had to choose i would get something diffferent now. Could always get the borbets painted black. If you are confused, maybe its not ment to be, get someting you like not what others say. Yeah... my 2c E: Sp
  20. Now your talking! liike the drift e30 on r3v with the purple drifteks!
  21. haha yeaaah jdm=win But just remember the fluro is only a phase, so will get old over time... but its up to you. If you are going for a fluro lip with body colour centres as antony has said, id rather go an orange lip, this matching the indicators and keeping it jdm, kinda ties it all in together, thats if you are keeping the orange indicators of course. Yeah.
  22. _BRS_

    M325i vs SR20DET.

    nice man! james, i think summit road is more of a windy uphill road...
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