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Everything posted by byza213

  1. lol that is soo soo ugly and weird im not racist but its probably an asains car
  2. ive always liked z3s if i had the money i would buy one put on some nice rims ..that one looks nice though
  3. haha i read it this morning thought it was real for a sec lol
  4. byza213

    a new idea

    yea i could but as you no that will take more time ill start off just with some pencil ones to see what you guys think and work into more hard out ones ...maybe ill do a colour one tonight off my car
  5. byza213

    a new idea

    yea true ..ill do my e34 tonight and post one up
  6. byza213

    a new idea

    whoevers keen send me a good pic of your car to [email protected] ill do some tonight too much free time as soccer seasons over:)
  7. byza213

    a new idea

    hey guys names byron thought of an idea that might interest a few of you guys ive been drawing cars as a hobbie for more than half my life and im 20 at the moment thought maybe if you guys send me a email of a quality pic of your car ill draw it on a a3 or a canvas for ya well trial it at first and see how it goes i will post later tonight some of my sketches/'drawings later on lost most of them when i moved house. was a drawing done about a year ago on a a4 can do more detail though what do you guys think?
  8. nice man yea those original upgrade lights do make a big difference in IMO lookng good what about front and side?
  9. byza213

    E34 Picssssss

    looking good ! tidy man
  10. looking good you got those xenon bulbs to?
  11. wow that red ones sexy
  12. heres the link i wouldnt mind one of these pity im not buying at the moment http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C.../p-75845745.htm
  13. wel ok the water pump fixed the problem from gettin hot hot and over heating but now 2 weeks later its still going past half way then goin back after abit any ideas why?
  14. byza213

    OK so I cleaned it

    what you reblack the black trims with?
  15. byza213

    OK so I cleaned it

    looking good nice mags also ..what springs you sitting on ?
  16. need some as mine are ugly and peeled ..if any one has those black and white ones also they would do.. but anything really in good condition cheers
  17. byza213

    Spotted Bad taste

    saw this on the motorway once i was like wtf!! haha
  18. awesome idea id definitly get one!
  19. yea i like wheels got to go !
  20. thanks guys yea i remember that car with that extreme makeover e34 thing and ill email that guy from synthe see what he says just trying to make her a little uniqissshh!! :)bring on summer
  21. byza213

    1988 E30 Touring

    you thought about getting you a black and white nz plate ?
  22. one of my managers got one similar its a 530 also took me for a spin nice drive lots of go too
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