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About M325is

  • Rank
    4th Gear
  • Birthday 02/23/1985

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    Botany Downs
  • Car
    1987 E30 M325i
  • Mods List
    Bilsteins, King Springs, 17" Mags, Tints, Engine rebuild with multiple performance enhancing parts.

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  • Interests
    Motosport, Equestrian

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  1. Just for shits and giggles... found myself typing bimmersport into the google bar, heineken in one hand... Happy Birthday Glenn!! One month belated
  2. WOW!!!! I have been away for a long long time! You must be feeling really good now! Think of the extra years you have put on your life time now... retirement will be bliss 10k a year extra in your pocket, that's one kick arse holiday!!
  3. M325is

    I'm not dead

    hahaha, that's the spirit! I would buy a X3 or X5 but it wheel spun the moment we got it on the wet grass, so got myself a butch cabplus courier. Off to change the plates now
  4. M325is

    I'm not dead

    Hey everyone... I miss the friendly waves from everyone, now nobody sees me in my big jacked 4X4 now So I am going to put my plates on it, lol! I wasn't going to, I was going to buy new plates to match my other business plate. But I feel so lonely out on the road now, I'm no longer part of that BMW fraternity, give way to other BMW's, friendly waves, queue jumping etc. So I have decided to chuck my europlates belonging to my past M325i on my chunky Ford 4X4, so keep an eye out for me I want to queue jump again, lol! I promise I didn't sell up the BMW because I wanted to, more of a case of I needed to (can't afford two cars, let alone a bloody diesel registration, damn those acc levies). MSBOND lives on... one day it will be back where it should be... on a BMW
  5. hahaha I am happy you bought it Dan. Makes the sale of it a lot easier to handle.
  6. There will be no TM auction. It just sold to one lucky owner
  7. Dan, I would love to see this car in the race series, it would probably be the death of its body but the engine is so ready and waiting to scream on the track again. Sorry forgot you were interested. You have first dibs on it before it goes on TM.
  8. Previous owner lived at Sacromento, I just lived down from there for a while as well, before moving up the hill. I have owned this car for over 8 years now
  9. I'm sorry Ryan, it has taken a long time to get in the right frame of mind to let it go. But I am now there, it is now time to hand this cool car over to somebody who has the time and love for it that it needs. Somebody is going to get lucky
  10. Here ya'll. As we speak my 87 M325i is down at the car valet getting a $250 full groom. And then it will be parked in my workshop until sold. And because we need the workshop space I have to let it go asap. So.... I am putting it up on TM $6500 NO RESERVE!!! $8K Buy Now. This car just needs a little TLC and it would be worth so much more, I am just gutted I don't have the time to do it myself. This car is MINT. The TLC it needs is: Rust spots on paint surface (sun roof and a little bit on driver side rear tail light corner) Front bumper has stone chips - would love to re-spray it. Electrical gremlin - Need to find earth for stereo and dash as they are intermittent on using the indicator and windscreen wipers. Little things I have taken off need putting back on, such as cover under steering wheel (my high heels kept getting stuck on it) and the internal handle surround. The engine is MINT. The exhaust is MINT. The bilstein shocks have been reconditioned... MINT. Will be getting updated pics this weekend and should be on TM by Monday. Also going to get video up on you tube to help the sale. I LOVE THIS CAR. So sad to see it sold but my love for horses has taken priority. Will post link asap.
  11. M325is

    For Sale

    I have learnt lately there is only one reason why a car will not sell in today's market.... If you don't want to be offended by offers lock it away for a few more years.
  12. M325is

    Genuine E30 M325i

    How did you go? Are there any bites at 6.5K?
  13. Is it all-time 4 wheel drive? I'm talking 4X4 offroad e.g sand/mud/gravel
  14. Nothing wrong with the X3 2.0 pulling 2 Tonne that's for sure The only thing that would make it better is if it were 4X4
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